The Aspects of the Modern Society


Society is constantly undergoing various changes, and in recent decades this process has intensified. First of all, the technological revolution and the constant introduction of innovations have had a huge impact, which has identified a number of new professions and allowed people to communicate, shop, and exchange opinions at a distance. In addition, it affected the way of life, as most of the activities and businesses were transferred to the social network. This allowed people to promote their ideas and products, regardless of social and financial status.


In addition, the process of struggle for equality and rights for every person, regardless of their background, is an important influence. Thus, society acquires the features of a tolerant attitude and respect for each individual. However, there are also negative processes concerning demography and the environment (Form par. 4). A large amount of plastic and industrial waste destroys the ozone layer and contributes to climate change, which leads to a deterioration in human health. In terms of demographics, population growth is on the rise, which could lead to a shortage of resources for the foreseeable future.

The most important highlights from the course for me remain the concern for tolerant attitudes and the impact of technology on modern life. Treating everyone with respect creates a more sustainable society and increases satisfaction (Form par. 7). In addition, it equalizes the position of people in society, leading to social and economic balance among different segments of the population. However, despite the obvious positive processes, the society remains quite stratified, which requires a deeper change in the policies of the state.

I think my idea of society has changed in regard to social stratification. I used to think that people lacked the self-confidence and strength to earn a better living. Now I understand that in the first place, this problem comes from the state and the more educated and wealthy sections of society. Thus, it is necessary to direct all efforts to eradicate injustice and help the more vulnerable elements of the population.


In addition, the US society faces a human rights problem, which is associated with racial discrimination and freedom of choice. Some states still have anti-abortion policies that jeopardize people’s ability to dispose of their bodies. In addition, despite the fact that the society of the country puts racial tolerance in a high place, in some cases it continues to exist. For example, in relation to political positions and business, where the percentage of people of color is much lower.

Work Cited

Form, William. “Social change”. Britannica, Web.

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