Judith Schaechter’s The Birth of Eve: Glass Art & Symbolism

The Birth of Eve is an artwork created by Judith Schaechter in 2013. There are many critiques of this piece of art as the style of the author is uncommon and unique. However, many people like the specific style the creator presents as it combines old techniques and new approaches. The Birth of Eve created by Judith Schaechter in 2013 from the material of colored glass is a controversial artwork that depicts a girl against a black background and flowers below that symbolize the infant in her mother’s womb and the joyful life that she is about to face.

The Author and Her Ideas

To start the discussion of the picture named The Birth of Eve, it would be proper to discuss the artist and her inspiration that gave her the idea to create this controversial artwork. Judith Schaechter from Philadelphia is one of the most popular American artists nowadays as she is always invited to various events dedicated to professional painting (“Bio and CV”). This person is also known for the style of her creations. There are two categories of individuals who criticize Schaechter’s works. Some people from the community of artists claim that the compositions of their colleague’s creations are new to the industry. Therefore, she brings innovations in the world of art by developing her style (Park).

However, there is another category of the audience that is always dissatisfied with the author’s creations. Some of these people say that Judith Schaechter’s works are blasphemous because she misrepresents some biblical characters. Moreover, the shapes of people’s bodies in her pictures are always unnatural.

Judith Schaechter explained that The Birth of Eve was a spontaneous creation as she just decided to represent a girl in an awkward position. To continue the picture, the author made the main character falling. Also, the artist did not give an appropriate explanation of the person depicted in the artwork (Park). Hence, no one knows whether she made a prototype of Eve who was described in the book of Genesis that is included in the Holy Bible or not.

It would be proper to mention that the social status of Judith Schaechter is unknown to the public and mass media. Nevertheless, it is possible to see that the person’s artworks are sold at high prices (Bitts-Jackson). Sometimes, it is essential to be aware of an individual’s income to claim whether he or she is involved in the industry of art due to the lack of money or not. Usually, people who have comfortable incomes are more likely to create some valuable and interesting works as they are not concerned about earning finances, whereas developing artists seek inspiration for the opposite purposes (to become successful and popular in certain circles of interest).

Nowadays, the author of The Birth of Eve occupies the position of an Adjunct Professor at The University of Arts (crafts department), which is situated in the city of Philadelphia. Also, she works as an Adjunct Faculty at the New York Academy of Art. In the previous century, the artist worked with musicians and had a chance to design one of Andy Prieboy’s albums that were released in 1991.

Description of the Picture

To analyze The Birth of Eve, it is necessary to discuss the texture of the picture before evaluating the main premise of the work. Such an approach to the assessment of any artwork gives the audience more idea of all the efforts made by the author to complete the given picture. Sometimes people cannot even define the materials used in the creation process.

The first interesting factor that must be mentioned in the discussion is the fact that the picture is made mostly of colored glass (Stipanov). When looking at the composition of The Birth of Eve, one cannot tell the differences between this technique and other pictures drawn with paint. The colors of the work seem to be mixed in some spots. For instance, when the audience looks at the bottom part of the object, it is hard for people to imagine how much work is required to make every piece of the picture from multiple pieces of colored glass (Stipanov).

As it is mentioned above, the given technique is old and not popular among modern artists. Moreover, Judith Schaechter tried to place every element of this picture at different angles (Butler). This method allowed the artwork to remain bright and saturated under specific lighting. The Birth of Eve was brought to the author’s exhibits several times, it was always supported with specific lamps and projectors that allowed clients to experience the best view of the picture.

It would be proper to mention that The Birth of Eve also has a golden frame around the main scene depicted in the artwork. This element remains the most chaotic part of the work as its pieces are of different sizes. Some people claim that this frame is intended to add more contrast to the creation. Indeed, other objects represented in the picture are not as bright as the golden frame. Moreover, this element makes the entire composition look more colorful.

As it is said above, the type of material (glass) is unusual for modern art (Stipanov). However, the author used all its advantages to reach the desired result. The picture looks attractive due to the effects that every piece of glass makes on a person’s eye. It appears that glass looks more colorful and sharp in comparison with soft or liquid paints that dry for several days. Also, glass has accurate edges that make the entire artwork look even more accurate and professional (Stipanov). Although some elements of this work are not perfect (due to the diversity of their shapes created by the author on purpose), they look more interesting in the combination that Judith Schaechter reproduced.

The Audience’s Attitudes Towards the Picture

As stated above, The Birth of Eve is a controversial piece of art because it represents a biblical character (Eve). The color of the girl’s skin is grey, which makes her look ill and sad at the same moment. Moreover, the technique of making pictures of colored glass was originally invented by orthodox Christians, which associates it with an icon (Stipanov). The majority of people who see this artwork think that the author humiliates and neglects the first woman on Earth by demonstrating her creation in public. Nevertheless, Judith Schaechter is a professional artist. Therefore, many individuals support her thoughts and like the style she uses for producing her works. It would be proper to mention that The Birth of Eve is not the first artwork by Judith Schaechter that depicts people with various body defects or illnesses.

Reviewers and critics claim that the discussed piece or art does not represent any of modern styles (Murphy). Moreover, historians cannot assess the date of the picture’s creation as it does not relate to any of the popular genres. According to this fact, The Birth of Eve is an original creation that does not copy other styles and techniques. Despite the author’s unique approach, the picture does not seem to be culturally or ethically valuable.

The Birth of Eve will not remain popular in several decades, unlike the creations of some other contemporary authors. The main purpose of any art is to demonstrate realia that are present at the time of its creator’s existence. Due to this tendency, children are given a chance to learn and understand the lives, concerns, goals, and values of people who used to live in the ancient epoch and medieval Europe. Unfortunately, the analyzed picture does not seem to be describing the author’s thoughts or prevalent issues of the contemporary world. Indeed, The Birth of Eve had its fifteen minutes of fame. However, it is unlikely to be mentioned in the future by individuals who strive to understand the thoughts of people from the 2010s.

The motivation of an author to create a particular artwork is a critical factor. Any work in the world of art is made due to the various goals of an author. Some people draw their pictures because they want to contribute to the world’s history, whereas others make their living by selling their creations. Judith Schaechter made The Birth of Eve to sell it later. Although this might seem to be a merchant motivation, artists cannot be judged for making money on their works as they invest their valuable time in them. Moreover, pictures created by people who treat this industry as a business are mostly unpopular and not valuable.

Symbolism in The Birth of Eve

As it is discussed above, Judith Schaechter included a biblical character in The Birth of Eve. However, this is not the only element that can be associated with the topic of religion and other signs with certain meanings. In particular, the black sphere that surrounds the girl in the picture, and her position reminds the audience of the infant that remains in her mother’s womb (Park). If one looks from another perspective, it possible to see that the main character is falling from the sky into a garden overwhelmed with flowers. Usually, people from religious communities dislike this association as Lucifer was the first one to fall from heaven in the Bible.

The flowers on the lower part of the artwork are often seen as a life full of bright colors and joy that is waiting for the girl that is above it. There is also a golden frame that creates a sense of limitation as a part of the entire composition. This element shows that people’s lives can circulate only in a particular enclosed space. Also, it might be perceived as an element of orthodox icons that are not popular in the United States of America. Nevertheless, many people from Europe are familiar with this religion and always associate this shiny golden edging with that of religious artworks.


The Birth of Eve is a picture by Judith Schaechter that is made of glass in 2013. There are many controversies as to the artwork’s context as critics do not see any cultural value in the given creation. Judith Schaechter made this picture to sell it at one of her exhibits. It would be proper to mention that the composition contains much symbolism in what it depicts.

Works Cited

“Bio and CV.” Judith Schaechter. Web.

Bitts-Jackson, MaryAlice. “Through the Looking Glass.” Dickinson College, 2014. Web.

Butler, Sharon. “Colleagues: Judith Schaechter and Eileen Neff.” Two Coats of Paint, 2016. Web.

Murphy, Mary. “Dark Matter — Judith Schaechter at Claire Oliver Gallery.” Artblog. 2014. Web.

Park, Regina. “Craft Exhibit at Renwick Gallery Highlights Interconnectivity.” The GW Hatchet, 2016. Web.

Stipanov, Kristen. “This Stained Glass Window, New to the American Art Museum, Is Like Nothing You’ve Ever Seen Before.” Smithsonian. 2015. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 9). Judith Schaechter’s The Birth of Eve: Glass Art & Symbolism. https://studycorgi.com/the-birth-of-eve-an-artwork-by-judith-schaechter/

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StudyCorgi. "Judith Schaechter’s The Birth of Eve: Glass Art & Symbolism." December 9, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/the-birth-of-eve-an-artwork-by-judith-schaechter/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Judith Schaechter’s The Birth of Eve: Glass Art & Symbolism." December 9, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/the-birth-of-eve-an-artwork-by-judith-schaechter/.

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