V for Vendetta: Alan Moore’s Dystopian Masterpiece

V for Vendetta is a book written by Alan Moore; it is divided into different chapters. The story is about nuclear war that ruined Britain and left it under the rule of a strange revolutionary/activist known as V. He slowly killed the government representatives and challenged them. He rescued a young and frantic girl called Evey Hammond where she became drawn into V’s world and anarchy. Britain nonetheless survived under the rule of Norsefire administration, a fascist regime that took charge amidst the havoc and disorder after the war. Norsefire embarked on an ethnic movement and social purification and kept the population in line through cruel punishment and continuous surveillance through the ubiquitous “Fate computer system.”

Nobody attempted to go up against the Norsefire regime, apart from one strange individual gifted with great vigor, speed, and cleverness. He always wore a Guy Fawkes mask and termed himself as “V.” V came across a timid girl called Evey Hammond; she was only sixteen years old. He saved her from Norsefire covert police force that she attempted to oppose. V took her under his ruling and compelled her to live in his undisclosed Shadow Gallery base, as he methodically thrashed the major Norsefire party’s associates. It is discovered that V was the outcome of medical examinations carried out on him as a convict of Larkhill Resettlement Camp that made him big but also drove him mad.

V escaped, and after four years, he aimed at his former vanquishers and symbols of regime cruelty until all who knew him were dead. Nonetheless, his vendetta was not simply an easy issue of vengeance, he planned to entirely ruin Norsefire and set the people of Britain free. The young girl was satisfied living a happy-go-lucky life with V, although she was his hostage. V sensed the potential in the young girl that was supposed to be awakened, he faked her arrest at the hands of the officials of Norsefire and tormented her just like he had been tormented, and secretly gave her notes of a former prisoner of Larkhill Resettlement Camp that motivated his campaign. “Evey became motivated too and, when she was given the chance to decide between her life and her main-beliefs, she chose to die.” V disclosed the charade to Evey; he decided to do this to liberate her from the fear that confined her life, and also to get her ready to embrace his course of action: anarchism. V planned to force all of Britain into anarchism by assisting the people to acquire their influence again and overthrow their leaders. All-the-while, he prepared Evey to grow to be his proxy.

Through greater and daring ways, V destroyed the government’s ways of ruling, allowing the population to go up against the regime themselves. The downfall of the movement did not affect V directly, but it affected the people who were influenced by his actions. The movement tore itself apart from within over tactics of numerous coups, and Norsefire official was murdered by the shamed widow of a prominent movement member murdered by V. Finally, the whole city went up against its officials and it surrendered to disorder and anarchy. In the closing peak, however, V was murdered, and Evey assumed his identity, prepared to direct the people of Britain to re-establish their nation anew.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 12). V for Vendetta: Alan Moore’s Dystopian Masterpiece. https://studycorgi.com/the-book-v-for-vendetta-by-alan-moore/

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1. StudyCorgi. "V for Vendetta: Alan Moore’s Dystopian Masterpiece." December 12, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/the-book-v-for-vendetta-by-alan-moore/.


StudyCorgi. "V for Vendetta: Alan Moore’s Dystopian Masterpiece." December 12, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/the-book-v-for-vendetta-by-alan-moore/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "V for Vendetta: Alan Moore’s Dystopian Masterpiece." December 12, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/the-book-v-for-vendetta-by-alan-moore/.

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