The Campaign Against the R-Word

The main theme is that a student named Elizabeth Marince absolutely does not support the use of the ‘R-word’. She tries to convince the whole world that its usage is incorrect, irrelevant, and insulting. She has got a brother, Michael, who is nonverbal, nearly blind, has some difficulty walking and other challenges (Chute 2). Speaking respectfully to the victim, the perpetrator and the bystander is crucial as it shows that people should be treated with equal respect while avoiding negativity and conflicts.

According to Chute, Elizabeth says that this is just a win for every one (3). She meant that achieving recognition and support among many schools, high schools, colleges and universities was at least a hint of society’s improvement, and she was very proud of that. She spent a lot of time, effort, resources, attracted many people to the problem, and achieved the long-awaited success. What is more, the phrase “stopping the ‘r-word’ hurts no one; it benefits everyone” (Chute 3) means that humiliating people is useless, and it is much better to praise or say something pleasant. After all, it can be said that Elizabeth was proud of herself and of the people who agreed to help in this very situation. One more important thing to say is that speaking respectfully to the victim of abusive language, the perpetrator, and the bystander may be an improving factor. From the point of view of the victim, respectful communication will lead to minimization of the negative consequences of a negative situation and will allow you to recover as a member of society. For the offender, showing respect also has a positive effect, because it allows you to see the lack of principled condemnation. In other words, this is a start for reducing aggression and anti-social attitudes. Finally, for a third party, such a method of communication will avoid conflict, as well as remain objective in other situations.

Based on all above, showing respect in communication is an effective way to keep in touch with others for any side. At the same time, this leads to a significant reduction in the total number of conflicts and misunderstandings in society. Campaigns such as against the ‘r-word’ help to reduce the level of aggression and rudeness in society, which means they are closer to increasing the level of politeness.

Work Cited

Chute, Eleanor. (2010). Campaign Hopes to End the Use of the “R-word”. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, pp. 1-3.

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