The Canada Revenue Agency’s Organizational Values

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has established crucial organizational values which ensure the economic and social well-being of employees and all Canadians. Professional ethics is vital in a workplace as it provides every stakeholder with equal rights and stabilizes the workflow (“Code of integrity,” 2021). The key values identified by CRA are integrity, professionalism, respect, and collaboration. This paper aims to demonstrate how these standards have permeated my practice and what they mean to me.

Primarily, the principle of integrity presumes the establishment and preservation of trust among all stakeholders. In addition, it implies the application of the law fairly and abiding by organizational standards. To my mind, not a single organization can exist without this fundamental value because having an equal and trustworthy working relationship is efficient for all parties. By ensuring every operation is lawful, the parties may guarantee the high-quality provision of products or services. In my daily life, this principle is actualized through honest communication with my friends and colleagues. For instance, in college, I always get ready for the classes thoroughly and get good grades, which is fair. I also keep my promises given to my friends and family in order to demonstrate my fairness.

The value of professionalism can be explained as knowledgeability, accuracy, service-orientation, and innovation. These phenomena can be perceived as one’s qualities necessary for goal-achievement. Personally, I attribute professionalism to skillfulness, intelligence, and flexibility – these are the dominant traits of a true professional. Whenever it comes to working for an organization, an individual must be able to demonstrate their professional and personal qualities in order to get a position. In the modern world, this value has regained importance as many employers seek candidates capable of doing their job efficiently. I encounter great professionals in my college, where professors teach their subjects effectively. I observe their productive teaching methods affecting my performance positively.

The third standard is respect, which involves creating valuable interaction between stakeholders where everyone can speak out and be heard. Deference is a basic principle of human communication because it allows for expressing numerous important aspects without being judged (“Code of integrity,” 2021). This concept is also vital, because without taking it into account, many subjective decisions based on personal biases will be made. My own fundamental value is respect – each person I meet on my way should be treated with regard and attention. Before judging someone, it is indispensable to listen to their story and be mindful of maintaining equality.

Finally, collaboration signifies the opportunities of working together in order to share ideas, foster communication, and improve the existing services. When people work in teams, it is more effective than individual practice as it allows them to shed light on different aspects of a project (“Code of integrity,” 2021). I always fancied the idea of collaborating with my groupmates because it would allow us to clearly establish our goals, define our strategies, and achieve the result. When the team members think collectively, every idea can become a solution to the problem.

In conclusion, the CRA values are essential for any organization as well as for daily affairs. The principle of integrity serves as the basis for trustworthy integration, while professionalism ensures the efficacy of the work force. Respect is the fundamental standard as it provides an opportunity to speak out and be heard, whereas collaboration generates the flow of solutions to the problem. Altogether, these values help achieve stability and boost organizational performance.


Code of integrity and professional conduct: How we work. (2021). Government of Canada.

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