The Casa Transitoria Program in Brazil

Casa Transitoria’s attributes shine through in the effort to improve the situation of people living in poverty. It is mostly targeted toward supporting pregnant women in obtaining new knowledge and adjusting their mindsets in order to perform better economically. It has an effect throughout the formative years of life when the total impact of a life is most substantial. Furthermore, it provides guidance for a parenting skills and values program in which expectant moms can learn about themes such as household management, hygiene, and motherly obligations (Zerio, 2013). Men in the family are trained on topics such as child discipline, dealing with alcohol and other drugs, and protecting their families from violence. In general, the children’s siblings are given special consideration.

Because this program’s only concentration is on expectant mothers, the benefits it provides are not available to everyone. This is the program’s most serious shortcoming. Children can also learn skills from their parents and other adults, even if those people grew up in the same harsh environment and developed similar qualities. It is a constraint of the program that applicants must be pregnant in order to participate (Zerio, 2013).

Certain factors are at work in the poverty cycle, and those forces revolve around the lives of those who are afflicted. Pregnant women frequently experience malnourishment, excessive stress, and inadequate or nonexistent prenatal care, all of which can hurt the growing brain of the fetus. The infant will later have issues with their language and attention systems, leading to academic challenges, unskilled labor, and poor economics. Those with low incomes can prevent this by adhering to the requirements of this program.

The region’s new service demands have been influenced by the prevalence of drugs and the drug trade, as a result of an increase in the number of affected teenagers, which has resulted in other concerns such as teenage pregnancy. Sponsorships from corporations for deserving causes and the creation of more efficient fund-raising tactics are two things that can help meet the growing demand for new services.


Zerio, J. (2013). Casa Transitoria: Betting on women to reduce poverty. Thunderbird School of Global Management.

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