The Communication Techniques With the Patients

Akin is uncooperative about revealing essential information regarding his state. Although the circumstances leading to his assessment are known, the reason for Akin’s change in behavior is unclear. The task is to obtain the necessary information that will help to identify his problem and proceed with further assessment. It will also be beneficial to gain the patient’s trust. This essay will discuss the communication techniques that are instrumental in achieving the task.

Interviewing an unwilling is patient might prove to be difficult but not impossible. The first step of the interview should be creating a safe environment for the patient by beginning with small talk. It is important to lower his anxiety level, provided that it is Akin’s first psychiatric interview (Shea, 2016). It is also necessary to assure the patient that the interview will be confidential to establish trust. Once the actual assessment starts, the first questions should have an open-ended nature. Although they tend to reveal previously stated information, the patient may reveal his perspective on the situation. For an interviewer, how the patient will present his thoughts will provide additional information, but it probably will not be sufficient to unlock the truth.

There might occur a moment when Akin will refuse to answer the questions or resort to short non-informative replies. In that case, variable verbalization such as qualitative questions and statements of inquiry can assist (Shea, 2016). However, it is efficient to mix open-ended questions with close questions, as the patient might find it increasingly difficult to formulate elaborate answers. Empathic non-verbalisms, for instance, eye contact and gentle voice tone, should also accompany the questions (Tasman et al., 2013). Moreover, such techniques as anchor questions and normalization might be of help (Shea, 2016). The former will allow the nurse to specify the exact time and the events preceding the cause, while the latter will remove the feeling of shame the patient might be experiencing due to his situation. Overall, the focus should be on decreasing Akin’s negative emotions.

In conclusion, creating a safe environment, using open-ended questions, and applying the appropriate non-verbal elements might make the patient more inclined to share. Certain elements of shame could be involved, considering Akin’s history with cannabis abuse and the fact that it is the initial interview. Therefore, the nurse should ensure that the patient is comfortable and trustful enough to reveal more details from his clinical history.


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