The Concept of Crime Analysis and Its Value

Criminal analysis requires evidence-based analysis to reduce crime by implementing resources available for high-crime regions, high-risk offenders, and recidivism. Crime analysts use hot-spot policing, problem-oriented policing, as well as intelligence-led policing in reducing crime as they focus their resources on high-crime regions, high-risk offenders, as well as recidivism. The Bureau of Justice Assistance focuses on using online data to make informed decisions to respond effectively in response to crime (Matthies & Chiu, 2014). Such evidence-based analyses are sourced from civilian positions and especially criminal analysts. Law enforcement officers focus on public safety in relation to specific policies and technology associated with public safety. Major topics analyzed in this research include reasons for crime analysis, costs associated with the current analysis, and other feasible analysis strategies that can be applied (Matthies & Chiu, 2014). The purpose of crime analysts is to increase the effectiveness of crime reduction. It helps police respond swiftly and appropriately to issues affecting public safety. Additionally, much cost is associated with crime analysis, especially crime analysts, to convey such information to interested parties. It entails hardware and software and the crime analysis life-cycle.

My feasible alternative approach to the crime analysis proposal would be approaching individuals directly associated with crime, especially those willing to transform and law officers associated firsthand. A criminal analysis is a highly administrative function with firsthand information on on-duty officers. Those with firsthand details for investigation best describe crime information. Crime analysts’ professions are essential in solving a criminal case, but witnesses and other witnesses to crime are significantly essential to debugging a crime. Reforming criminals in prison has been majorly significant to crime analysts. Reforming criminals is subject to recidivism goals. An officer can understand crime parameters by interviewing such individuals to reflect honest testimonies that would help. Reforming prisoners would provide firsthand information on crime-related activities.


Matthies, C., & Chiu, T. (2014). Putting a value on crime analysts: Considerations for law enforcement executives. New York: Vera Institute.

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