The Concept of Resilience in the Workplace

There are various strategies and supports that may be used to complement, improve, and enhance the quality of health and wellness in the workplace. The concept of resilience is currently gaining popularity in business research. It is defined as the professional ability to “withstand, recover and grow in the face of stressors and changing demands” (American Heart Association, n.d.). Firstly, it is recommended to identify the main sources of stress by sending questionnaires to employees and conducting a needs analysis. Secondly, a comprehensive training program to improve resilience should be implemented. It may focus on topics such as communication, conflict management, avoiding burnout, and remaining calm under pressure (American Heart Association, n.d.). Senior management and leadership should participate in this program to create a resilience-friendly workplace culture. The primary strategy to cultivate resilience in the workplace is to identify the main stressors, design an appropriate training program, and incorporate resilience into organizational practices.

Furthermore, it is necessary to establish clear evaluation methods from the outset in order to assess the program’s effectiveness. Resilience should be measured at baseline, post-program, and on an annual basis hereafter (American Heart Association, n.d.). Resilience can be quantified as levels of stress and well-being (American Heart Association, n.d.). The insights from the evaluation should be applied to improve the quality of future programs. Outcome measurement tools identify areas for improvement and are a vital aspect of improving resilience in the workplace.


American Heart Association. (n.d.). Resilience in the workplace: An evidence review and implications for practice. Web.

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