The Constitutional Rights Act of 1964

The Constitutional Rights Act of 1964, which is still applicable today, serves as the cornerstone of American law about human rights. The Act forbids prejudice against a person based on nationality, faith, sexual orientation, or nationality (National Archives, 2018). Civil law forbids unfairness in nationally funded programs and opens to public entertainment venues. Therefore, this essay will discuss the conflicting interests of the parties involved. The center of power has grown mighty, and if the measures put in place under the government continue to be effective.

The three arms of the United States government continue to function as a system of checks on each other and the procedures created to counterbalance the government’s authority between institutions and people. The three arms of the United States government continue to function as a system of checks on each other and the procedures created to counterbalance the government’s authority between institutions and people. This has become a balancing mechanism between the powers (Madison & Hamilton, 1788). According to Federalist Paper 47, the United States Constitution provided every one of the three branches of government unique authorities to ensure that no single political body accumulated an overwhelming amount of direct control (Founders Online: The Federalist Number 47, n.d.). Hence, within the process, the individual rights have been proected.

Southern Democratic and Republican lawmakers rejected the Civil Rights Act of 1964 since they desired to keep existing Jim Crow rules. However, it was supported by Congressional members, President Lyndon Johnson, and civil rights advocates (Bowen, 2015). They desired to abolish isolation and discrimination based on gender, race, nationality, faith, and sexual orientation in federally sponsored activities, education institutions, working stations, and communal accommodations.

The United States Constitution provided every one of the three branches of government unique authorities to ensure that no single political body accumulated an overwhelming amount of direct control. As a result, neither center has become stronger than the other. The Supreme Court seeks to enhance safety of the public while also protecting rights of the individual, and it does so through protecting such rights (Founders Online: The Federalist Number 47, n.d.). The mechanism of power balance comprised of three branches of government (Madison & Hamilton, 1788). Thus, the legal system creates legislation, the executive branch implements them, and the court system enforces the regulations that the U.S. congress enacts.


Bowen, J. (2015). Rooting for complicated heroes: It’s complicated. Law. Web.

Madison, J., & Hamilton, A. (1788). Founders online: The federalist no. 51, [6 February 1788]. Founders. Web.

Founders Online: The Federalist Number 47, [30 January] 1788. (n.d.). Founders. Web.

National Archives. (2018). The constitution of the united states: A transcription. National Archives: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Web.

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