The Costa Coffee Production Process

The transformed resources at Costa Coffee are the finished products that are sold to customers, such as coffee, sandwiches, and pastries. These products are created through the transformation of raw materials, which are the transforming resources. The raw materials used at Costa Coffee include coffee beans, milk, flour, and various other ingredients (Venkataraman and Pinto, 2020). The transformation process at Costa Coffee involves both physical and chemical transformations (Slack and Brandon-Jones, 2019). During the physical transformation, the raw materials are transformed into finished products through processes such as roasting coffee beans and baking pastries (Yıldırım, 2020). The chemical transformation occurs as the raw materials undergo chemical reactions during the production process.

To represent this transformation process, a flowchart can be used to show the steps involved in turning the raw materials into finished products. The flowchart could include the following steps:

  1. Sourcing raw materials: This step involves obtaining the necessary ingredients and materials from suppliers.
  2. Storing and preparing ingredients: Raw materials are stored in an appropriate condition to maintain their quality and are ready for use in the production process.
  3. Preparing finished products: This step involves the physical and chemical transformations of the raw materials into finished products using equipment such as coffee roasters and ovens.
  4. Quality control checks: Quality control checks are conducted to ensure that the finished products meet the required standards.
  5. Serving finished products: The finished products are prepared and served to customers.
  6. Packaging and distributing products: The finished products are packaged and distributed to various locations for sale to customers.

Overall, the transformation process at Costa Coffee involves the transformation of raw materials into finished products through physical and chemical changes, using equipment and labor. This process is carefully managed and controlled to ensure the quality and consistency of the finished products.

Reference List

Slack, N. and Brandon-Jones, A. (2019). Operations Management. 9th ed. Cape Town: Pearson.

Venkataraman, R.R. and Pinto, J.K. (2020). Operations management : managing global supply chains. Thousand Oaks, Caifornia: Sage Publications, Inc.

Yıldırım, M. (2020). Individual, organization and structure: Rethinking social construction of everyday life at workplace in tourism industry. Tourism Management, 76, p.103965.

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