The Decrease of the Pull of the North and South Poles

The main proof that the Earth is an oblate ball can be found with the help of a magnetometer. This shape is possible because all the angles of the magnetic poles represent different values. The Earth swells more at the equator as the world rotates due to the high magnitude at the east and west poles. This attraction at the equator causes the Earth to bulge at the center, giving it an oblate shape. When a force is applied to an object, it tends to deform its shape, which is depicted by the magnetic attraction at the earth’s center. The pull at the Earth’s center justifies that the planet is an oblate sphere in shape. If the world was flat, the magnetic fields could have been equal at all points. The flat Earth will have difficulty in rotation leading to the constant magnetic field at all angles. With magnetic fields entering and exiting the ground, the pull should be equal since the distance from the Moon and Sun will remain constant; thus the gravity and magnitude should be consistent. Flat earth cannot justify the greater pull in the equator’s lesser force towards the poles. The decrease in the pull of the North and South poles is not proportional because it is determined by the Moon’s position, which affects gravity (Pierrus, 2018). The unevenness from the oblate shape is not a perfect oval or sphere.

Imagine flat Earth with varying magnitudes from the magnetic north to the magnetic east, west, and south. So, we can obtain magnetic north without the magnetic pull and field differentiation from the true and false North. Scientifically, it has been proven there are North Pole animals that use magnetic variations for navigation. If there were consistent magnet fields with no variation, these animals should be roaming around a particular area and never locating their origins. Additionally, there is no flat Earth with more magnitude at its center. It proves that its shape has been altered, thus altering the magnetic fields and magnitude. If the world is still flat, can you be used to verify your idea using the magnetic field sensors and compass to determine time?

This data gives the reading after the calculations, which is considered a magnetic field, and the distance from the Earth’s center, which is the equator. The center of the earth experienced higher pull and higher man, leading to an oblate shape. The oblate form cannot be considered a perfect circle or oval since the coordinates are uneven. The unevenness contributes rough shape of the earth, such as valleys and mountains, thus proving that the magnetic coordinates are correct. If the magnetic coordinates are right, the world is uneven hence the oblate shape.

The variation in magnitude is because magnetic fields go into the earth, unlike the flat earth believers’ opinion, which believes that they follow the geographic north. The magnetic fields are moving in, and out of the Earth, the causes magnetic field differences as the earth rotate and further poles have longer distances from the Moon, leading to magnitude differences. The magnetic inclination angles decrease as one moves further from the Earth’s center, which is the equator. The inclination angles show that Earth has different distances from the Moon, with the equator being the closest. The discussion disqualifies the flat Earth belief, which cannot be supported with convincing data or information.


Pierrus, J. (2018). Solved Problems in Classical Electromagnetism: Analytical and Numerical Solutions with Comments. Oxford University Press. Web.

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