The Defunding of Planned Parenthood

Over the decades, one of the profound issues experienced in U.S healthcare sector enshrines federal funding policies on pertinent practices, such as abortion. The introduction of the defund planned parenthood entailed limiting the government’s participation in facilitating medical services involving controversial parentage customs (Handley, 2019). On the one hand, the U.S administration restructures the subsidy scheme on embryotomy to promote the preservation of life under the socio-cultural construct. On the other hand, the legal clause establishes that the budget is rerouted to nurturing women’s care across distinctive essentials. The defunding of planned parenthood is a sustainable blueprint across the spectral view of women’s medical care on sociological, cultural, business, and economic outlines.

It is the core responsibility of the government to steer moral and ethical values as an insight to enhance social justice. Research indicates that the core mandate of social justice encapsulates promoting equity in resource distribution (Congress, n.d). However, the federal administration encounters challenges involving inadequacy in budgetary quotations. Therefore, the introduction of defunding planned parenthood boosts the distribution structure of essential healthcare services as a social responsibility indicator. Studies further establish that there is a significant relevance of the regulation to the economic platform on account of ensuring the facilitation of dynamic emergency medical care (Handley, 2019). The fundamental duty of a practitioner enshrines protecting the patient’s life. As a result, the redirection of the monetary support to vital aspects of women’s care elevates the general healthcare index through advanced medical insurance.

The defunding of planned parenthood emphasizes the amplification of community health center program development across the U.S landscape. The critical tribulations among social groups enshrine the inadequacy of resources and platforms to share grievances, mainly on medical issues. Transcendentally, the legal construct enhances the outreach while bridging the gap in financial stability among diverse personalities and families (Congress, n.d). One of the vital factors within the policy encompasses the recognition of contrastive factors justifying abortion. Termination of an unborn child based on medical complications to the mother is an exception from the defund planned parenthood. However, in the case that hospitals and physicians violate the regulatory framework, the entities face disciplinary measures to ensure the apt implementation of the concept.

Businesswise, abolishing the protocol on government funds’ facilitation of planned parenthood practices enhances women’s empowerment through the effective distributional channel. The grant allocated by the administration involves improving the well-being of females across different communities. Therefore, the establishment of limitations to promote controversial endeavors, mainly abortion, renders the increase in the financial pool to diversify on investment among the counterparts (Handley, 2019). Ideally, the defund is an essential insight into the adept mainframe of social justice. Abortion is a topical affair that disparate U.S states defend and oppose. As a result, the incorporation of the scheme attributes to the leveling of the disseminative framework of the monetary system on endowments among women.

Succinctly, the implementation of defunding planned parenthood is sustainable moxie on the advancement of community health index. The core social justice encapsulates rerouting the funds to support women in divergent practices against the contentious abortion problem. On the one hand, abortion is a medical recommendation based on emergent complications. On the other hand, the practice encapsulates an individualistic interest, mainly considered a violation of moral insight of preserving life. Primarily, the healthcare policy poses a profound opportunity concerning the rerouting of the facilitative support towards socio-culturally, economically, and business empowerment among the counterparts along the gradient of elevating the livelihood index.


Congress (n.d). H.R.541 – Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2021. Web.

Handley, M. (2019). Qualified: Medicaid provider agreements, waivers, and the politics of planned parenthood. Health Literacy & Policy Brief, 13, 29.

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