The Dental Hygiene Profession

Wadia, R. (2022). Men working in dental hygiene. British Dental Journal, 232(10), 717. Web.

The article by Wadia (2022) focuses on the need to teach the next generation of leaders who will work in dental hygiene. The primary point is that the dental hygienist profession is not popular among men, making it a predominantly female job. Gender inequality in the position leads to the stereotypical perception of the dental hygienist’s work. Therefore, there is a need to avoid these prejudices and make the profession attractive for male and female specialists. The information from the text by Wadia (2022) is credible and written understandably. It facilitates its use in the subsequent study and allows the development of the topic of the dental hygiene profession in more detail.

Krasniqi, L., Boyd, L. D., Giblin-Scanlon, L., & Vineyard, J. (2021). Self-care practices of dental hygiene students. Journal of Dental Hygiene: JDH, 95(1), 76–83. Web.

The article by Drasniqi et al. (2021) investigates the connections between the self-care practices that dental hygiene students develop, their working hours, and their responsibilities as caregivers. This information might be helpful in the paper because it illustrates the qualities doctors in this sphere should have. The article’s conclusions are consistent with the idea that dedication to the profession is the major component of the practical work of the dentist. The discussed source is published in a scholarly journal, making it reputable and credible. Therefore, it is possible to use it to investigate the topic further.

McKay, A. (2021). How access to online health information affects the dental hygiene client experience. Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene: CJDH = Journal Canadien de L’hygiene Dentaire: JCHD, 55(3), 182–186. Web.

The article by McKay (2021) features the idea that doctors are not the only source of knowledge about dental hygiene for patients. They also use online sources of knowledge about these issues, and it is critical for dentists to inform their patients about these opportunities. This data is consistent with the claim that the significant responsibility of dental hygienists is the patient’s well-being and safety. In addition, the article’s content supports the hypothesis that continuous learning is a vital element of the dental hygienist profession. The report by McKay (2021) is published in a reputable journal, and it has a logical structure and substantial research, which makes it a credible source for subsequent investigation.


Krasniqi, L., Boyd, L. D., Giblin-Scanlon, L., & Vineyard, J. (2021). Self-care practices of dental hygiene students. Journal of Dental Hygiene: JDH, 95(1), 76–83. Web.

McKay, A. (2021). How access to online health information affects the dental hygiene client experience. Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene: CJDH = Journal Canadien de L’hygiene Dentaire: JCHD, 55(3), 182–186. Web.

Wadia, R. (2022). Men working in dental hygiene. British Dental Journal, 232(10), 717. Web.

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