The Difference in Consideration by Men and Women


Men and women are different, and it deals not only with the physical differences but also with the behavior, perception of the world, and convictions that are not easy to understand and to change. Men have their consideration about this or that fact, which usually differs from women’s one, especially in the relation between two genders. There are a lot of things that men care about deeply and that women virtually ignore, and it is easy to show it on the example of men’s appearance when they care about it to be appreciated but women do not pay attention to it at all.

Physical qualities

Height is one of the man’s physical qualities, which they care deeply about. Short men will never come to the tall women as the established stereotype in society is that men must be taller than women. The investigations were provided and it is already proved that women do not pay much attention to the height of a man if he is a good company and a rather funny guy. The weight is the other men’s consideration and they think that if they get some extra kilos women will give them a wide berth. The weight is the same important for men as for women, but men hide it from women in order not to be mocked. Men think that their weight is the main feature of their sexuality and that extra kilos make them very fat and unisexual. Women try to break this confidence as there is a world tendency that women like men with a little paunch.

Bald spot

Considering the question of the difference in men’s and women’s opinions about men’s sexuality, it is impossible to avoid the question of a bald spot. Men, who possessed great hair and immediately begin to grow bald, are near death. They think that life is over and that it is better to die than to become bald. Women’s opinion about it is different in the way that they do not pay attention to such trifles, as the appearance, manners and behavior, the condition of clothes and shoes are paid much more attention. So, it may be said that men care deeply about their height, weight, and bald spot, while women do not pay to these things any attention. These are the world stereotypes and men even do not try to cope with them, as they think that women lie about the unimportance of the things which were mentioned. Caring about height, weight and the bald spot men try to reduce or to get rid of those defects (as they think) to be liked by women.


So, men’s and women’s logical thinking differ greatly and as a result, the conclusions are maid wrong. Men care deeply about their height, weight, and bald spot, while women virtually ignore them. Moreover, some so-called defects from the men’s side very often appear to be a plus, such as a paunch or bald spot. The difference in consideration of the same things by man and woman make people’s life more complex, but at the same time more interesting and exciting as men and women were created different, and their ideas about surrounding world should also be different.

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