Women account for one of the groups most affected by the disparities in the legal system. Therefore, this sphere has been an area of intense interest for feminist researchers and activists. Subsequently, various standpoints are expressed through different means of communication, calling for an equal approach to justice for both sexes. Such kinds of activism positively affect society, as they attract the public’s attention to a topical issue. Willison and O’Brien (2016) state that the incarceration rate of women in the United States has grown at a quicker pace than a similar number for men. Accordingly, it is possible to conclude that the country is currently experiencing the phenomenon of mass female incarceration, which reflects the unfair side of the legal system.
Postmodern criminology researchers are capable of introducing various feminist perspectives to the discussion. It is necessary to inform the public on existing disparities. Willison and O’Brien (2016) argue that feminist social workers must “adopt an anti-oppressive orientation to justice-involved women, build social work responses around national reform measures, and advocate for decarceration and restorative justice” (p. 37). This way, society and the system will have a comprehensive framework, within which it will be possible to create effective solutions.
Willison, J. S., & O’Brien, P. (2016). A feminist call for transforming the criminal justice system. Affilia, 32(1), 37-49. Web.