The Documentary “American Fervor: The American Future”

The film supports the idea that religion in politics and the social life of America is vital nowadays just as much as it was centuries ago when first settlers arrived in America, seeking a safe place far from England’s surveillance. According to the idea of the film, religion is a source of faith.

Faith, in its turn, is the power that drives many accomplishments both in politics and the social life of America. Moreover, religion is the primary source of freedom that is deeply valued and appreciated in modern American society and distinguishes the US from other countries. The First Amendment to the Constitution allowed people from all religious backgrounds the freedom to live without fear of oppression (Films Media Group, 2008). Thus, religion and politics historically were not at odds, and even though they formally did not support each other, their coexistence had a synergy effect, and religion became the foundation of political power.

The film covers the idea that religion and politics are united in America by explaining the reasoning for segregation and the perception of freedom rather than with the secularism approach. According to the film, Obama’s presidency puts an end to the possible conflicts between church and politics and secularism issues.

The film draws pieces of evidence that show that previous issues between the church and politics were mainly focused on racial inequity and understanding of freedom. At that time, religion, and the black church, in particular, actively resisted the racist political system that humiliated the existence and rights of black people. However, the film implies that even though in the case of fighting for equal rights the religion could be perceived as contrary and separate to politics, religion was a source of faith and freedom. The film suggests that Obama’s presidency united politics with both parts of religion in America.


Films Media Group. (2008). American fervor: The American future. Films On Demand. Web.

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