The Documentary “The Life of the Buddha”


At midnight, Siddhartha left the palace and was never heard from again. His young wife, son, and father all survived him. Giving up his cushy and comfortable life was Siddhartha’s first move toward enlightenment. Siddhartha gave up his material possessions and transformed into an ascetic (“The Life of the Buddha [ Full BBC Documentary HQ] With English Greek Catalan Subs”). Siddhartha traveled and looked for the truth, working with numerous teachers, learning meditation and yoga, and ultimately transitioning to teaching.

Challenges Siddhartha Faced in His Quest to Find Enlightenment

Siddhartha has a long way to go before achieving his ultimate enlightenment objective. He meets numerous new individuals while traveling, and they have a variety of effects on his life. Siddhartha encounters desire, greed, and heartbreak, among other things, throughout his journeys. A hero’s journey begins with them being challenged to conquer challenges in their everyday life to advance to bigger things. Siddhartha is prosperous in the everyday world, yet he is dissatisfied with his life.

“The Middle Way” of Peace and Harmony

Siddhartha was curious about all there was to understand about pain. Long stretches of fasting were observed by him, along with further self-inflicted agony. He continued to fast until he was almost dead, concluding that his demise would be useless (“The Life of the Buddha [ Full BBC Documentary HQ] With English Greek Catalan Subs”). He was aware that accurate fulfillment or pleasure could only be realized on a path of tolerance.


I believe that numerous individuals currently adopt this method of practicing mindfulness throughout the world since the Buddha became awake when he understood that everything in existence, from crawling ants to dying humans, is bound by pain. The Buddha realized this and found the best approach to deal with pain. In today’s world, people should not wholly abstain from food and comforts or take luxurious baths. Still, they should exercise moderation instead to fully concentrate on gaining sympathy for others and enlightenment.

Work Cited

“The Life of the Buddha [ Full BBC Documentary HQ] With English Greek Catalan Subs.”, Web.

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