The Fall of the Grand Alliance Against the Axis Powers Before the End of WWII

War is political. International politics have an influence on global wars. The Second War was a war of actions, words, and fierce battles between the UK, US, former Soviet Union and the Nazi rule. During this time of 1939-1945, the UK, United States and the Soviet Union competed against each other in the development of advanced technology for the creations of weapons of mass destruction and its application against Germany. The race was won by the US with the development of the Atomic bomb of which UK got its fair share in the political parameters and USSR was completely left out. This, backed by secret service and espionage activities, made the way for the fall of the Grand Alliance against the Axis powers before the end of WWII.

The entire tension among the nations was due to the invention of the atomic bomb. It should be taken into account that the outline of the terms of surrender formulated by Truman as depicted in the Potsdam Declaration was vague in the sense that it hardly indicated that the US was in possession of a weapon that has the ability of mass destructions. The Potsdam Declaration was a straightforward conventional terms and condition statement that hardly referrer to or indicate the toils that were about to come. However, Stalin knew all about the bomb with he help of the Russian secret agents in the US. This was the start of the mistrusts among the ally forces.i

The Truman Doctrine was formulated which intended to support all democratic government. In other words, Truman utilized US power to intervene any communist effort at any region devoid of Soviet Union’s presence and the British, along with it the SIS, became involved directly. This was the fundamental of the Cold War and it could be stated that the SIS was in the middle of it due to all its initial operations against the Soviet Union. The mistrust the service conveyed on the communist Russia was soon reciprocated by the Soviets and the snowball effects made way for a bipolar race of power struggle.ii

It can be stated that British and US administrations were in the middle of the initial phases of the end of WWII and the start of Cold war. At the end of the WWII British War office was extremely worried about the Soviet Union’s opportunity in establishing itself while Europe and the UK were busy recovering their economic positions. In the meanwhile, insurgency in Greece was led by communist hardliners and Truman interpreted it as an extended intervention of Soviet Union intelligence.

In conclusion, it should be stated that all the major parties involved, the USA, UK and USSR espionage systems are to be blamed for the military and intelligence development that took place all over the world during the latter parts of WWII and subsequent decades. All parties indulged in an arms race that involved several other nations and communities and it can well be stated that the threat of the 21st century, or Islamic fundamentalism, came into power due to this race. Thus, it is obvious to believe that at a time when powerful nations fight against each other, not always physically or directly, in a fruitless battle it becomes relevant that a third party would certainly benefit from this conflict and in this case it is seen that the ally forces started a mutual mistrust among themselves that ultimately lead to decade long tension.

Works Cited

Dorril, Stephen. MI6: Inside the Secret World of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence Service, Free Press, Sydney, 2000, pp 1.

Huntley, Wade L, Causes of War and Paths to Peace: Lecture to Peace Studies I Hiroshima City University, Hiroshima, 2004.

i Huntley, Wade L, Causes of War and Paths to Peace: Lecture to Peace Studies I Hiroshima City University, 2004.

ii Dorril, Stephen. MI6: Inside the Secret World of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence Service, Free Press, 2000, pp 1.

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