The Formation of the Idea of a “Lens”


It is significant to mention that the institution of slavery started the history of American racism. This also applies to the problem of the exploitation of Native Americans. The community structure, where a persons’ rights, duties, opportunities, and access to economic and other resources depend on their gender, is described as gender inequality. Thus, it is essential to establish how academic “lenses” and my own experiences have influenced perceptions of discrimination on different grounds.

The Academic “Lens” and My Experience

The earth is inhabited by people conventionally divided into three races with various appearances and attitudes. It is essential to note that the Caucasoid race is the most numerous; the appearance of the representatives of this race is not identical (Garn 93). People who lived in the northern areas developed light skin and blond hair. Individuals who lived in southern areas had darker skin and darker hair (Garn 93). Historically, the race was considered privileged and discriminated against other races because they considered them not equal to themselves. The Mongoloid race has yellowish skin color, black straight hair, narrow eyes, and a cheekbone face. The peoples of Asia belong to this race and the Native American Indians (Garn 96). Members of the equatorial race have dark brown or black skin color, brown eyes, and black curly hair. Many live in America, but they are not indigenous people; they are descendants of the enslaved Negroes, who were exported from Africa in the XVI-XIII centuries (Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University 00:00:25-00:00:45). This race has experienced tremendous oppression throughout history, which can be traced even now.

It is significant to consider, from an academic “lens”, the impact of Europeans on Native Americans. In 1830 the Native Settlement Act was passed in the Observance, beginning the forced removal of more than 67,000 Indians (Smith). It should be emphasized that the presidents of that time in the United States funded this program to shield Indians from the superior race. Accordingly, indigenous nations suffered centuries of discrimination, and their merit in the arts or wars was diminished. It is worth remembering Pocahontas, who was portrayed not as a princess but as a captive in Disney cartoons (Smith). She became a symbol of indigenous faith in restoring justice, though she lived a tragic life.

Importantly, humans have different understandings and acceptance of the characteristics of others and are highly influenced by their cultural experiences and position in society. Individuals of all races should have equal rights and should not be oppressed. However, my perception of this was not affected because I am of the white race. My socioeconomic status and education have enabled me to gain the knowledge that the policies previously implemented that encouraged the oppression of the two races must be eliminated.

Another form of discrimination in the modern world and historically is the distinction of people according to their gender. Accordingly, women are often assigned a secondary role, but they are entitled to respect their own choices about their bodies or professions (Gay 00:02:02-00:02:10). It is essential to understand that females do not always conform to society’s standards; for example, they may do men’s jobs. Females are also full community members independent of race or socioeconomic status. Thus, lesbians, transgender, and women of color should have the same rights to protect their beliefs and desires as white women (Gay 00:04:27-00:05:10). They generally face discrimination in the medical field and employment if they assert their identity. Thus, in the academic “lens”, discrimination is grounded in historical and sociocultural factors in the past and people’s perceptions of themselves and others now.

I am male and fully support women’s desire for self-determination and identification in society independent of their gender and race, which is why my gender does not have a decisive influence on this perception. Accordingly, I do not believe that transgender women of color should have worse economic and social conditions than males. I confidently assert that they should continue to fight for equal rights and proper living conditions.


Hence, discrimination on the basis of race and gender has occurred throughout history, although states now have a policy of granting everyone the same rights. It is significant to emphasize that my understanding and perception of persons of different sex or race is independent of mine. I do not discriminate against black people or women simply because they were naturally born this way. Accordingly, I evaluate the academic “lens” as tracing discrimination back through history to avoid committing such mistakes in today’s society.

Works Cited

“Confessions of a Bad Feminist.” TEDWomen, uploaded Roxane Gay, 2015, Web.

Garn, Stanley M. Human Races. Pickle Partners Publishing, 2017.

“Podcast Seeing White.” YouTube, uploaded by Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University, 2017, Web.

Smith, Ryan. “Probing the Paradoxes of Native Americans in Pop Culture.” Smithsonian Magazine, 2018, Web.

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