The “How Successful People Lead” Book by John Maxwell

John Maxwell’s book titled How Successful People Lead: Taking Your Influence to the Next Level is intended for people who seek to transform their lives and embark on the path of a successful person. I liked that there are several ideas in this book that may not be new, but, nevertheless, the author presents them to readers for consideration. Although there is different literature on the formation of a person as a leader, this book is still handy for people who want to achieve success.

The main idea of the book is the desire to make the reader think not as a loser but as a successful person. One of the most memorable quotes was: “The best leaders promote people into leadership based on leadership potential, not on politics, seniority, credentials, or convenience” (17). It means that the main task of a leader is not just to demonstrate that he is higher than other employees, but to work with subordinates and help them become leaders. I liked this book because author gives invaluable advice, following which there is a high probability that a person will be able to achieve their goals.

In order to reach meaningful results, John Maxwell suggests making a journey with him, during which readers will learn what right, fruitful thinking is. The book will also help to assess how developed it is and will make it clear how to use it at total capacity. Mediocre people concentrate on everyday affairs and on survival, while successful people concentrate on progress.

The book is an essential source of information that will help to figure out what exactly a person is doing wrong and what, on the contrary, is being done correctly. The author cites as an example such successful people as Peter Drucker and Abraham Lincoln who became outstanding personalities (48). The book will become one of my favorites because all people who want to become prosperous can find something that will help in gaining success in a particular case.

In conclusion, John Maxwell’s book should be read by every person who strives to achieve excellence in their field. It gives practical recommendations on how to succeed and improve oneself. From the book, everyone can choose important information that is needed in each specific case. The author has constructed the narrative so that every reader can take advantage of his recommendations and tips and also try to implement them into their practice.

Work Cited

Maxwell, John. How Successful People Lead: Taking Your Influence to the Next Level. Center Street, 2013.

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StudyCorgi. "The “How Successful People Lead” Book by John Maxwell." July 10, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "The “How Successful People Lead” Book by John Maxwell." July 10, 2023.

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