The Human Resource Development Job Duties


A meaningful way to retain employees is through professional development within the organization. Development is achieved through education, training programs, and the implementation of new motivation and competency systems. The KSAO (knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics) of the employee development officer primarily focuses on managing the team’s potential, creating individual development plans, and promoting different working conditions (Alnajim, 2022). Conservative management relates to the manager’s ability to provide employees with clear traditional motivation and development styles and to outline a specific career path.

Necessity of KSAO

This KSAO can both build up on the job and be a ready-made set of knowledge and skills. The candidate should have knowledge and ideas about what the job will look like. More emphasis should be placed on understanding the organization’s values and culture and retaining and promoting them among the staff as they develop. For the conservative style, it is essential to consider that individualism is not the employee’s primary trait, but it is still important to reinforce it.

KSAO Analysis

Within this KSAO, the following parameters need to be considered. Knowledge should include primarily human resources education, which dominates over other attributes. A specialization or master’s degree in a subspecialty for human development specialists is an important hiring factor. Human resource development professionals usually have a bachelor’s degree, and certification can enhance employment opportunities. The candidate is expected to present alternative methods of learning based on current articles and data. At the same time, one must know about training programs that relate to industrial and personal effectiveness. The employee will be working with the same people for a long time, so they must know psychology and communication.

The candidate’s experience for this role should include beneficial results in personal development. The candidate’s skills should be based on his or her self-learning and development strategies: the person should be able to coordinate and manage their activities. In addition, persuasive and negotiation skills are required because they will allow one to interact with staff and guide their workflow (Alnajim, 2022). The ability to assess staff impartially and objectively to identify opportunities and strengths is also worth noting. Systems analysis skills are also necessary because they create a unified workflow view. This takes a fraction, not much less than knowledge because personnel management skills are critical to the job.

The candidate’s abilities are based on leadership and self-monitoring, which will be evident in conveying direction and making individual development plans. They should also include observing and coaching – communicating with an audience, so the employee will get ideas about the organization’s values to be internalized (Alnajim, 2022). Social responsiveness contributes to the professional’s understanding of what the reactions will be to the proposed strategies. Compared to the other attributes, it takes less work, while the other characteristics, empathy, and multitasking, perform more frequently.

Time Spending

The employee is expected to spend most of his or her work time interacting with staff to understand their potential. In addition, the employee needs to devote attention to developing individual plans-about a third of all time. They need to make dynamic motivational strategies and implement them. It is essential to provide training to impart knowledge and skills to staff based on the organization’s values.


Alnajim, A. (2022). The strategic role of human resources development in learning, training, and development in organization. SSRN. Web.

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