The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Community of Charleston, South Carolina


The spread of COVID-19 considerably affects the community of Charleston, South Carolina, in many ways. The pandemic hurts economics and potentially would cause the decline of population growth as a result of social isolation. Besides, many people, in the current situation, are obliged to face such challenges as insufficiency of food and the absence of shelter. This paper will discuss the difficulties of the community of Charleston, South Carolina, in terms of the vital needs, such as feeding or accommodation, and the measures taken to deal with them.


In Charleston, there are many homeless people for whom the accommodation is provided by shelters, city’s charitable organizations. Due to the requirement of isolation, shelters encounter the problem of the number of people they may accommodate at once. However, in many cases, these organizations do not close their doors or substantially reduce the number of people. As Marco Corona, the head of One80 Place, Charleston’s shelter, stated, “it’s hard to find ways to both follow the guidelines but also to take care of people” (Floyd, 2020). Yet, the situation with homeless people remains challenging, especially if to consider the fact that their uncontrolled relocation over the city may cause further spread of infection.

Lowcountry Food Bank, a non-profit organization of South Carolina that provides food to several soup kitchens, schools, and shelters, decided to increase the amount of food served, helping to improve the situation during the pandemic. As Brenda Shaw, chief development officer of the company, states, the non-profit serves not less than 132,000 pounds of food weekly, instead of an average of 100,000 pounds (Dennis, 2020). Their activities have particular importance in light of the closure of other organizations and food stores (Dennis, 2020). Thus, in the current challenging situation, the contribution of Lowcountry Food Bank is essential.


To conclude, the impact of COVID-19 is considerable to such a degree that people experience limitations in the field of vital needs, such as food and accommodation. In such circumstances, the measures for the improvement of citizens’ wellbeing are necessary. Charitable organizations essentially contribute to combating social challenges by finding the balance between taking care of people and considering all the required precautions.


Dennis, R. C. (2020). Lowcountry Food Bank serves 32,000 more pounds of food than normal amid coronavirus spread. The Post and Courier. Web.

Floyd, J. (2020). SC’s homeless population pressured by coronavirus. There are ways to help. The Post and Courier. Web.

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