The Impact of Executive Orders

One key workforce diversity policy is the Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce of 2021. Its undeniable benefit is that it encourages overcoming barriers to equal opportunity for all employees. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 is another equally important policy that is closely related to the Executive Order of 2021. Its advantage is that it makes it illegal to deny employment on discriminatory grounds. This greatly protects minority employees through the provision of legal safeguards. Another advantage is the focus on accessibility, which ensures the inclusion of people with disabilities in the work process. The disadvantages in both documents are the inconsistent implementation of their provisions. This, in turn, results in the situation of some marginalized minorities not changing. In some cases, this inconsistency has even led to a worsening of their situation. In addition, their disadvantage is that their full implementation at this stage is almost impossible due to various factors.

A key consequence of the failure of these policies to achieve their goals is a deterioration in the representation of disadvantaged groups as well as a general neglect of their needs. This is particularly evident in governmental organizations, as the problem encompasses not only the economic but also the social and political spheres. When it becomes necessary to adopt these policies, the more affluent groups of the population adhere to the status quo. However, their voices are the most influential and their approval often determines whether or not an initiative is implemented. Accordingly, to improve policies, it is necessary to create tools that mitigate these constraints and facilitate the greater participation of influential agents.

In addition, many people hold the view that discriminatory attitudes in the workplace are a solved issue. In the U.S., there is a narrative that racial equality has already been achieved. Because of this bias, today’s society struggles to implement inclusive initiatives in the workplace. Still, race-neutrality in hiring is not attained, as minorities continue to have difficulties with promotions, voice and other organizational aspects (Kraus et al., 2022). Once again, the inconsistency in policy implementation, which manifests itself in a mismatch between policy goals and outcomes, requires concrete solutions.

Developing recommendations to strengthen policies is important because achieving equity and diversity gives companies improved performance. In addition, the needs of populations that were previously ignored will be addressed (Gomez & Bernet, 2019). One way to strengthen these policies could be to create training programs for policymakers specializing in improving diversity. In this way, it would be possible to involve people who have the knowledge and experience to work on such projects. This would reduce the number of situations in which the initiative does not go according to plan.

As noted earlier, the fact that more affluent and influential groups adhere to the status quo has a negative impact on the achievement of policy goals. If such resistance is removed, the goals of diversity and non-discrimination can be achieved more quickly. In addition, a mentoring system can also have a positive impact on policy goals. However, it should be taken into account that they will be quite lengthy because complex plans for achieving inclusiveness will have to be made. Finally, a third way to strengthen policies might be to impose a duty to publish the results of specific organizations in combating racial prejudice. This would allow one to monitor how effectively the goals are being met. Particular attention should be paid to intra-collective relations and the efforts of those in charge.

At this point, there are several problems in the implementation of the two policies. However, there are ways to minimize the impact of the interfering factors. Introducing practices that raise awareness of the problems faced by minorities can increase the strength of policies. Moreover, a possible way to eliminate challenges in implementing these documents could be the involvement of affluent individuals who usually adhere to the status quo. Finally, with the help of an auditor, it would be possible to ensure that the principles of non-discrimination are observed.


Gomez, L. E., & Bernet, P. (2019). Diversity improves performance and outcomes. Journal of the National Medical Association, 111(4), 383-392. Web.

Kraus, M. W., Torrez, B., & Hollie, L. (2022). How narratives of racial progress create barriers to diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations. Current Opinion in Psychology, 43, 108- 113. Web.

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