“The Importance of Being Earnest” Acting Analysis

We all understand the well-known expression that life is a stage, and people in it are only actors. It is valid because each of us has pretended at least once, especially in childhood. For example, my friend and I have often played teachers, trying on adult roles. Still, it should be noted that acting is a bit different because artists convey all the emotions of the fictional personalities professionally, properly using intonation, facial expressions, and gestures.

Minute 50 may be an example of intonation and voice: when Cecily was expecting a guest, she read the note in a calm tone. Still, as soon as she realized it would be Jones’ brother, she sharply raised her sound, and her facial expression changed so that one could read the emotion of joy (Bethany Lutheran College, 2018, 0:50). Further, minute 51 is a representation of gestures: Cecily folds her hands distinctively, showing impatience and a desire to see Earnest as soon as possible (Bethany Lutheran College, 2018, 0:51). Minute 52, when the character enters the room is an illustration of facial expression and pose: Cecily changes her emotions to displeasure (Bethany Lutheran College, 2018, 0:52). She folds her arms, thus making her pose closed, and the corners of her lips go down, showing disappointment and coldness.

Earnest is more friendly and holds out his hand while leaning in slightly, he makes a welcoming motion, but Cecily’s reaction is remarkable. She pulls back his hand and places hers at her side, which characterizes anger. Then she holds his hands and seems as if she has become friendlier, but this is not so, which is clear from her facial expression. The moment when she wipes her hands on her apron after touching, showing disdain is also an example of gestures in the same minute. I can also dwell on minute 54 when Algy asks for help because he expresses it with intonation and posture. He leans closer to shorten the distance and establish better contact (Bethany Lutheran College, 2018, 0:54. Ms. Prism’s reaction to Ernest’s death should also be described, she should express sympathy but actually does not. She smiles and puts her hands at her sides, demonstrating superiority. Moreover, an example of gestures is noticeable at minute 60, especially when the man leans down sharply, indicating approaching the ground and hinting at death (Bethany Lutheran College, 2018, 1:00).


Bethany Lutheran College. (2018,). The importance of being Earnest. [Video]. YouTube.

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StudyCorgi. "“The Importance of Being Earnest” Acting Analysis." June 4, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/the-importance-of-being-earnest-acting-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“The Importance of Being Earnest” Acting Analysis." June 4, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/the-importance-of-being-earnest-acting-analysis/.

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