The Importance of Calling-Oriented Employees


Having and keeping calling-oriented employees is an organizational opportunity. It might help the company to acquire a competitive advantage and overcome the closest rivals. The first obvious advantage is that such employees remain fully invested in the company’s success even though their work may be difficult and require long hours.


Employees with a calling orientation see their work as an opportunity for personal growth and expression. It also means that they remain highly motivated to perform the existing tasks and achieve the existing goals. High motivation levels are one of the key factors explaining the company’s success and its ability to continue its evolution (Forson et al., 2021). It means that calling-oriented employees should be viewed as one of the most valuable assets available to a company. For this reason, they can also be considered game changers with critical contributions to improving the situation and achieving positive outcomes.

One more important factor about calling-oriented employees is that as long as they can see the results of their efforts, they will go beyond to ensure a fantastic job. It means that their motivation comes from their inner needs and is more complex compared to those who work only for money and physical rewards (EthicalSystems, 2014). Therefore, managers should constantly remind calling-oriented employees of the significance of their work to the people they assist. Calling-oriented employees are derived by fulfillment from doing their work in the right way and creating a positive impact around them through their work.

At the same time, calling-oriented employees might significantly contribute to cultivating a better ethical climate. The fact is that specialists with this type of orientation are more focused on the impact one has rather than on the benefits one can receive (EthicalSystems, 2014). It is closely linked to the ideas of sustainability and business ethics, implying consideration of the individuals’ and communities’ needs as the major factor impacting strategic planning. Calling-oriented employees usually work in groups with a lower risk of conflicts and the emergence of problematic situations (EthicalSystems, 2014). It is linked to the fact that they are engaged in the work or the organization and are concerned about its outcomes. For this reason, they try to avoid opposition by considering the interests of broader groups and helping them to feel comfortable.


Altogether, it is crucial for managers to routinely and creatively foster the drive for the impact of calling-oriented individuals if they are to retain them. It would help to create the basis for generating a competitive advantage and overcoming the major challenges that might arise in the course of the company’s development.


EthicalSystems. (2014). Calling orientation [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Forson, J., Ofosu-Dwamena, E., Opoku, R., & Adjavon, S, (2021). Employee motivation and job performance: a study of basic school teachers in Ghana. Future Business Journal, 7(30). Web.

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