The Importance of Communication Skills

Regardless of a person’s level of intelligence and knowledge gained, it is essential to understand how to communicate with others. Otherwise, it will be impossible to realize a person’s potential effectively. A person acquires communication skills during the process of socialization. Even at the first stages — family and school— one of the main functions of agents and institutions of socialization is to endow the emerging personality with communication skills. Accordingly, the presence or absence of skills to interact with others directly depends on the processes from early childhood until the period of maturity of the individual.

The results obtained may please me since I have basic communication skills. The test results mean that I can navigate a particular situation. I can understand the goals, roles, and motives of both my own and the opponent, and analyze and predict the possible development of the conversation (Okoro et al.). The results show that I can start a dialogue on my own and adequately perceive and respond to an attempt to establish contact from the other side. In addition, I have the skills to finish a conversation qualitatively. My communication skills allow me to talk about myself or situations from my life so that the interlocutor has the necessary impression. When presenting any information, I understand what certain words will lead to in a conversation.

In addition, the results show that I have the skill of obtaining the necessary information from the interlocutor, whether it is positive emotions or some specific information. Also, my communication skills allow me to provide vital information to the interlocutor effectively. I have the skills of emotional regulation of conversation, which helps me direct the dialogue in a direction with bright, inspirational coloring, avoid sensitive and unpleasant topics to the interlocutor, and conflict. The results show that I can provide effective feedback: a response, an expression of interest, and respect for what the other person says. Finally, it becomes clear that I have the skill of psychological influence, and I can resist the impact on myself not purposefully but on an unconscious level.

The most crucial task in my results is undoubtedly the improvement of communication skills. Complete mutual understanding of both sides of the dialogue is an idealized concept. A person makes a projection of the image and the information that his interlocutor is trying to convey in their head. That is, any information is passed through its prism of perception and is somehow distorted. Thus, my task is to develop specific communication skill-the ability not to make hasty conclusions and always give a discount on the difference between my thinking and the opponent’s thinking.

I need to strive for a higher level of communication since it is a high level of communication skills that will allow me to communicate with other people as effectively as possible. I need to learn to listen patiently to the interlocutor, not interrupt him and accept his point of view. I also need to develop the flexibility of judgments and find compromises instead of going into conflict. A valuable skill will be the ability to empathize with the emotional state of the interlocutor, as well as the ability to assess emotional tension and defuse it. I will use various resources to develop and improve my communication skills, including reading manuals on interpersonal communication and possibly attending specific courses.


Okoro, E., Washington, M. C., & Thomas, O. “The impact of interpersonal communication skills on organizational effectiveness and social self-efficacy: A synthesis.” International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 4(3), 2017, pp. 28-32.

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