The Importance of Homeostasis for Human Bodies


Homeostasis is essential for the human body’s health and survival. The term refers to the maintenance of the internal environment of the body and cells (Rizzo, 2015). For instance, homeostasis is associated with sufficient blood sugar levels, heart rate, and temperature (Rizzo, 2015).


Homeostasis is supported by various organ systems, including digestive, urinary, and respiratory, which work together for all cells to receive the appropriate amount of oxygen and nutrients (Rizzo, 2015). Accordingly, issues in any of the areas may cause a lack of homeostasis and develop such negative consequences as hypothermia, heatstroke, hypo or hypercalcemia, diabetes, or obesity (Nguyen, 2018). The listed issues and some other conditions may emerge due to an insufficient balance of internal processes, like the organism’s inability to maintain the correct body temperature (Nguyen, 2018). Moreover, an individual may die if homeostasis is not kept for a long period (Nguyen, 2018). Consequently, potential harmful outcomes that may develop when a person experiences poor homeostasis in a specific area are death or such health problems as hypothermia or obesity.

The human body may stop maintaining homeostasis in multiple ways. For example, excess blood glucose levels can result in diabetes when internal mechanisms cannot manage the amount of glucose (“Disease,” 2020). Such homeostasis loss can be treated medically through insulin injections or pumps, oral diabetes drugs, or pancreas transplants, depending on the type of the disease (“Diabetes,” 2022). Another way a person’s body may cease maintaining homeostasis is with low body temperature, which can cause hypothermia (Brouhard, 2022; Nguyen, 2018).


In conclusion, some methods of treating hypothermia include using an oxygen mask to feed warm, humidified air into the lung, administering warm fluids, or utilizing a hemodialysis machine to rewarm the blood (Brouhard, 2022). Accordingly, a lack of homeostasis can result in different health issues that are likely to require medical assistance.


Brouhard, R. (2022). How hypothermia is treated. VeryWellHealth. Web.

Diabetes. (2022). Mayo Clinic. Web.

Disease as homeostatic imbalance. (2020). LibreTexts. Web.

Nguyen, D. H. (2018). What if homeostasis fails? Sciencing. Web.

Rizzo, D. C. (2015). Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology (4th ed.). Cengage Learning.

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