The Importance of Llu’s Spiritual Values

The choice of an educational institution is a responsible and crucial decision that entails an array of short- and long-term implications for students. Enrollment in a university opens a set of opportunities not only for the obtaining of professional knowledge and skills but also for enriching interpersonal, communicational, and spiritual experience. In my opinion, spiritual practices and religion as a whole comprise a significant part of human life because they enhance our value basis and ethical principles. Being raised in a highly spiritual atmosphere where faith was always treated with respect and appreciation, I strongly believe that the spiritual values and educational culture as a whole in Loma Linda University will contribute to my development as a professional and as a human.

My extensive educational and employment experience has given me a chance to understand the importance of an integrated approach to accomplishing goals in various realms of life. Indeed, when completing my Bachelor’s degree in Dental Surgery in India in 2017, I managed not only to gain practical skills and theoretical knowledge related to the dental practice but also to enrich my communication and human skills. Healthcare is a sphere where interpersonal communication and the ability to reach out to a patient are essential elements of successful work. Therefore, spirituality is a key element in healthcare-related education and practice. Now that I have moved to the USA, I understand the importance of communication and spirituality’s relevance to healthcare more vividly due to the diversity of the population and the necessity to address it in medical service delivery.

The admission to Masters of Health Care Administration at Loma Linda University will provide me with a valuable opportunity to become a part of a community characterized by high-quality educational services, well-balanced culture, and values, one of the core elements of which is religion and spirituality. I belong to a Sikh religion, which constitutes a significant part of my family’s life. Although Sikhism is my primary religion, since my childhood, I have worshiped both Sikh Gurus and Jesus. Throughout my school years, I studied in a Christian community, which has given me a perspective on religious diversity. Also, I managed to contemplate the importance of religion in the educational process since it allows for enhancing learning opportunities, interpersonal relationships in a group, as well as expands the values necessary for personal and professional growth.

In my opinion, education is not limited to knowledge and skills in a narrow field of expertise, but also includes life experiences and overall motivation for achieving both long- and short-term goals. Now that I am at the stage of seeking opportunities to expand my career path in health administration, I consider enrollment in a university that cultivates high standards and strong culture. My knowledge about Loma Linda University’s vision of the role of religion courses and chapel attendance in the curriculum encourages me to become a part of such a unique educational institution. This vision coincides with my perspective on the necessity to preserve spirituality in all areas of life. It is especially true within the context of the Master’s Program, to which I have an intention to be admitted. Healthcare Administration in highly diverse communities requires cultural competencies and communicational abilities; spiritual sensitivity and tolerance are vital attributes of a qualified healthcare worker. Therefore, Loma Linda University’s faith-based education will be a valuable contribution to my development as a healthcare professional.

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