The Joint Body Commission and the CARF

History and Original Purpose for Creation

The joint body commission was founded in 1951 with the original purpose of seeking continuous improvement in healthcare for the public. The bodywork works jointly with other stakeholders evaluating healthcare organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value. Currently, the Commission accredits and assesses more than 22,000 healthcare organizations and programs in the United States (‘‘The Joint Commission,’’ n.d.). On the other hand, the Commission on Accreditation-on-Accreditation Facilities (CARF) was founded in 1966 by two international organizations, the Association of Rehabilitation centers and the National Association of Sheltered Workshop (‘‘CARF International,’’ n.d.). Since the organization’s inception, it has grown rapidly in stature and size. CARF was incorporated in Illinois as a non-profit organization.

Purpose for Existence

The Joint Commission has strengthened community confidence in care treatment and services quality and safety. Achieving accreditation makes a strong statement to the community about an organization’s efforts to provide the highest quality services. The body has evolved to provide professional advice and enhance staff education (‘‘The Joint Commission,’’ n.d.). The main purpose of CARFs includes conducting accreditation research emphasizing outcomes measurements and management and providing information on common programmed strengths and areas needing improvement. CARF also develops and maintains current, field-driven standards that improve the value and responsiveness of the programs and services delivered to people who need life-enhancement services. It provides education and information to persons served and other stakeholders on the values of accreditation (‘‘CARF International,’’ n.d.).

The organization also recognizes organizations that achieve accreditation through a consultative peer-review process and demonstrate commitment to the continuous improvement of their programs and services, focusing on the needs and outcomes of the persons served. CARF has grown by providing consultation, education, training, and publications that support organizations in achieving and maintaining the accreditation of their programs and services.

Where Requirements for Each Urgency Are Publicly Reported

CARF is an accreditation body whose requirements are mostly reported in rehabilitation centers. The body is well respected and prevalent within therapy and recovery. CARF is more focused on the individual healthcare industry. This makes CARF the more commonly sought-after accreditation by therapeutic establishments specializing in substance use disorders and co-occurring treatment interventions. On the other hand, the function of the joint Commission entails monitoring treatment facilities and ensuring that the services being provided are closely tied. The requirements of this body are reported in the medical field because it’s more medically based.

Why Reporting of Metrics is Important

Metrics reporting is important because it helps professionals to determine if they are meeting their goals. It also allows companies that want to maintain or increase their output and those looking for an organized way to track their goals, outcomes, and progress. In addition, it is also important in achieving the purposes of the professional, organization, or person because it involves tracking and reporting on the correct metrics to help these groups achieve desired outcomes in their work.

How it Operates

CARF emphasizes the delivery of person-centered services. Persons played an active role in the CARF accr4edation process, from helping to develop the international performance standards to giving input on the quality of services they receive. The program has demonstrated its commitment to delivering quality services focusing on the client’s specific strengths, abilities, needs, and preferences. The Joint body commission accredits and certifies health workers and health care in the United States. The Commission undergoes an on-site survey by a joint commission team.


CARF International, Commission on the accreditation of rehabilitation facilities. (n.d.). CARF International, Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. Web.

The Joint Commission. (n.d.). Home. Web.

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