“The Man Made of Words” by N.Momaday Quote Analysis

Language is a unique phenomenon the role of which is often underrated within modern society. Comprising a myriad of concepts, ideas, and notions, language serves both as the means of communicating essential information and expressing oneself artistically. Moreover, language in its every iteration allows one to develop cognitively and emotionally, ultimately humanizing an individual. The specified sentiment is communicated directly in the following quote: “Language and Literature involve sacred matter” (Momaday, 1998, p. 13). Suggesting that the two notions are closely intertwined, Momaday (1998) implies that language and literature serve to convey critical information about specific cultures and peoples. Moreover, the specified quote can be interpreted as the plight for preserving the languages and literature of indigenous cultures that are under the threat of being consumed by the dominant ones. Indeed, since the chapter addresses the role of Native voices in American literature, the significance of sustaining the relevant language and the art that it produces represents a vital goal.

The ideas mentioned above raise quite a number of questions. For instance, how can Native language and literature be preserved in the era of complete dominance of the Western ones? In addition, one might consider the following question: how can artistic collaboration be facilitated between the dominant and indigenous communities so that the cultural specifics of the latter could be retained and enhanced? Since complete isolation of Native cultures form the rest of the global community is unlikely to yield positive results, it is vital to learn to support and sustain it within the current sociocultural context. However, the described questions are quite difficult to answer primarily due to the necessity to ensure that the effect of the dominant culture should be reduced, which is currently a nearly impossible task to implement.


Momaday, N. S. (1998). The man made of words: Essays, stories, passages. Macmillan.

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