The Matrix Structure Benefits for Sponsors

In order to convince the sponsor to adopt a matrix management structure, it is essential to explain its advantages. The matrix framework combines the features of the linear and process structures (Bowers et al., 2017). According to the principle of linear management, the matrix structure is aligned vertically; that is, staff from different departments are subordinate to their managers. Therefore, an employee in the administrative subordination of the manager also becomes operationally subordinate to the project manager (Bowers et al., 2017). This enables a company with a huge staff to operate successfully. Accordingly, the primary advantage for the sponsor is the effective performance of the managers and workers, which will produce a stable profit. It should be noted that matrix organizational management structures enhance the initiative of leaders and employees. While working together on projects, they can significantly increase production efficiencies and business revenues (Bowers et al., 2017). Accordingly, it is also appropriate to provide the sponsor with an approximate calculation of the income they can achieve using this system.

I agree that it is important to negotiate with the sponsor and explain the benefits of using a matrix organization structure. It is significant to emphasize that this structure is flexible and reduces costs, which is an essential consideration for the sponsor. At the same time, in order to convince the funders, it is crucial to provide them with evidence that will support what they have been saying. Accordingly, the communication should be informative and constructive. Therefore, one should submit additional materials, which will allow the investor to be satisfied with the validity of the idea. Nevertheless, I admit that building a trusting relationship will permit productive work in the future.


Bowers, M. R., Hall, J. R., & Srinivasan, M. M. (2017). Organizational culture and leadership style: The missing combination for selecting the right leader for effective crisis management. Business horizons, 60(4), 551-563.

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