The Ministry of Children and Family Development Document

The Ministry of Children and Family Development document is relevant because it highlights and advocates for matters related to health care, school, recreational activities, and family relationships. The article also provides some valuable information regarding the issue of advocacy which may be needed in particular circumstances that entail collaborative planning during which the youth or the child’s perspectives must be heard and considered to make relevant decisions. The views that the article highlights as critical for youth and children’s development include community and cultural activities, dynamism in living arrangements, and the number of visits with family. The document also provides essential information on what advocacy for the youth and children issues entails. Such advocacy involves assisting people in speaking out and using their voices to be heard.

The document states that being an advocate entails speaking on behalf of the vulnerable people in society, like children and the youth. In this case, an advocate has to ensure that such people’s rights, views, and interests are protected and respected. The article also emphasizes the role of a caregiver for the youth and the children, which should promote a collaborative mechanism with other team members to promote the welfare of such people.

When making a best interests decision for the youth and children, safety, continuity of care, and physical/emotional needs are the primary considerations to promote the welfare of the vulnerable people in society. In addition, the document is quite definite. It emphasizes that it is not always easy to promote the welfare of such people and that various obstacles are found on the way. The situations surrounding children and the youth are quite different, and all the cases require individual attention to be resolved. In this case, every situation may be different and will also need a unique solution.


Ministry of Children and Family Development. (2011). Advocating for children and youth in care: Your role as a caregiver. Advocating for Children and Youth in Care: Your Role as a Caregiver.

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