The Mission of Self-Isolation in Volatile Times

The coronavirus pandemic, the self-imposed isolation regime that has swiftly changed people’s lives, uprooted their way of life, and not surprisingly, many are now under psychological stress. While self-isolation during the pandemic is a necessary measure, it is also a source of anxiety for many people. The article “Magnificent isolation: what we can learn from astronauts about social distancing and sheltering in space” explains the experience of isolation in the name of science. It does so to help ordinary citizens survive the constraints of a volatile pandemic. Prolonged self-isolation can turn into a psychological disaster.

The never-ending stream of news, anxiety, worry about themselves and their loved ones, job loss, business problems, family conflicts – all this weighs on the psyche. Amidst all of this, another significant factor is brought out – the stress of self-isolation. The article says that living alone or in small groups is instead an exception to the rules of modern society. This is why the need to be isolated with their loved ones all the time is so stressful for people.

In order to make it easier for people to be quarantined and to remind them of the motivation that drove self-isolation, the article tells the stories of the astronauts. Reports vividly show the changes in the mind of someone who has been in isolation for a long time. Among these stories is the illustrative case of astronauts Jim Lovell and Frank Borman, who spent two weeks in a very confined space. It shows that the conditions of self-isolation are not that scary because people have cozy and comfortable homes where they can spend this time. Another example is where anthropologist Jack Stuster asked astronauts to record their feelings and sensations while in orbit for long months (Weibel, 2020).

They all said that their awareness of their commonality with other people changed considerably. Paradoxically, while in the most isolated state, people suddenly begin to feel connected to others. This experience shows that even in isolation, people are much closer to each other than they think.

One of the astronauts described in the article dealt with stress by carefully planning each day. This is a technique that ordinary people can apply during a pandemic. The fact that a regime of self-isolation is announced for an indefinite period destabilizes people psychologically. However, deciding what to do once the restrictions are over is an excellent way to stabilize the psyche. There is relative clarity when making plans, at which point the mind copes with anxiety and discomfort. The human psyche is so constructed that it can cope with any limitation, as long as it is, of course.

The article’s main point is to remember the mission of self-isolation in volatile times of pandemic and that people are still united. Astronauts endure long months away from humanity for the sake of making scientific discoveries. This time, all of humanity must take isolation from one another to prevent the spread of a deadly virus. Awareness of the end helps people justify the means. It is also important to realize that no walls can break the bonds of kinship and friendship between people. We may be far away from each other but still stick together. Thus, the text shows ways to overcome the stress of self-isolation and shares inspiration from great astronauts’ stories.

Reference list

Weibel, D. L. (2020). ‘Magnificent isolation: What we can learn from astronauts about social distancing and sheltering in space, The Space Review. Web.

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