The Mixed Method Research (MMR) Approach for Comprehensive Data Analysis


The Mixed Method Research (MMR) Approach is a systematic technique for collecting and analyzing data using qualitative and quantitative data collection in one study. The basis of MMR is to utilize the strengths of qualitative and quantitative data collection designs (Dovetail Editorial Team, 2023).

MMR is a problem-centered research approach because it utilizes all possible avenues to gather extensive information to help understand the problem (Åkerblad et al., 2021). When applying MMR design, a researcher conducts an in-depth analysis to establish the correlation of each method with the set objectives of the study. For instance, the researcher must define the objectives of the quantitative part of the research and the qualitative part of the study. This way, a researcher comes up with a clear plan that justifies the application of MMR in the research.

The significance of MMR stems from the fact that it draws on the upsides of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. From understanding research designs, qualitative design is excellent for explorative studies to generate correlational findings. Quantitative research designs, on the other hand, focus on validating by providing measurable/quantifiable findings. Combining the two in one setting sets precedence for a more apparent finding. In this sense, MMR forges for a better understanding of a research topic as it draws on theories, statistical data, and observable causal relationships. However, the application of MMR demands enormous attention to detail and keen implementation.

Literature Review

The Mixed Method Among Research Designs

Patricia Leavy, in her book Research Design, explores all research methods, that is, qualitative methods, quantitative methods, mixed methods, arts-based and community-based research design, and participatory research approaches. In Chapter 6, where she delves into MMR, she states that MMR emerged from the philosophical concept that there is no one specific way to look at social issues (Leavy, 2022).

In the 1800s, philosophers William James, John Dewey, and George Hebert coined pragmatism and explained that the world holds no allegiance to any set of rules or theories (Leavy, 2022). This theory of pragmatism birthed MMR, which expands the worldview by allowing researchers to seek explanations by combining the competencies of more than one research design.

Since the 1900s, MMR has been redefined in terms of meaning and application. The author states that MMR may refer to any hybrid research design today. Further, she explains that the application of MMR requires thorough planning. The first step of planning is to justify the use of MMR. This is accompanied by clarity of the problem statement and how each incorporated method suits the study (Leavy, 2022). In addition, MMR must refer to theoretical frameworks upon which data collection and analysis will build the gathered information. Ultimately, proper use of MMR ensures coherence in the data collected, the research’s discussion, and the final findings.

The Application of the Mixed Method Research Framework

Another resourceful article detailing the use of mixed-method research design is Udo Kelle’s “How to use mixed-methods and triangulation designs: An introduction to history education research.” Even though the article inclines toward the application of MMR in history education research, the author pinpoints crucial considerations for the use of MMR (Kelle & Bernhard, 2019). One of the key points she makes is that MMR applications have risen in the 21st century mainly because of their efficiency in studying complex issues. The paper also notes that MMR is highly recommended for social issues such as epistemological beliefs, historical consciousness, cultural studies, and learning.

Throughout its development, MMR has attracted international criticism despite its growing popularity. Kelle and Bernhard (2019) acknowledge that MMR is excellent for social research questions in this paper. However, critics challenge the criteria for applying MMR over the conventional qualitative and quantitative research designs. In line with this, the paper introduces the QUAL, QUAN, qual, and quan concepts, which define the predominant method within mixed method research (Kelle & Bernhard, 2019). The QUAL refers to the qualitative data, while the QUAN refers to the quantitative data (Kimmons, 2022).

The methods are involved in collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. Quan and qual techniques can be applied in a study using parallel, iterative, and linear methods. In the parallel method, the quan and qual can simultaneously collect and analyze data while each process operates independently. On the other hand, the linear method operates chronologically, alternating from qual to quan to expound on the finding of the initial method (Kimmons, 2022). Finally, the iterative method is often used in cases where three steps are involved in data collection and analysis, where each stage provides information for the next phase.

The Importance of Qualitative and Quantitative Design Knowledge

To apply the MMR framework, a researcher must first understand how qualitative and quantitative research work. Fischler (n.d.) addresses the value of qualitative and quantitative research designs as the basic knowledge for MMR. What stands out from this source is why MMR may be a better research method, the outline of the key steps for conducting a mixed research method, and the key factors to consider when designing an MMR.

Fischler explains that MMR is a preferred method of study because it provides a better understanding of the problem, works well if one research design is insufficient, and integrates pragmatism (Fishler, n.d.). The source lists seven steps that a researcher takes when utilizing MMR. These are determining the feasibility of MMR, defining the rationale for MMR use, identifying data collection strategies, developing qualitative and quantitative questions, collecting data, analyzing the data, and compiling a report.

Besides this, a researcher deploying mixed method design must take into account the level of interaction between qualitative and quantitative strands, be aware of the priority information for the research question, define the timing of the research, and be privy to how the two research approaches work together (Dawadi et al., 2021). The broad approach enables a researcher to mitigate complications in the data collection and data analysis stage.


The researchers present an informed view of mixed-method research design. What is common in the findings is that mixed-method research is a hybrid research design because it taps into the advantages of qualitative and quantitative research. The papers also concur that the application of MMR must suit the research question. As presented in the sources, the mixed method is widely applicable in social sciences. This is because social sciences investigate human behavior to establish phenomena. Quantitative models uplift this by providing data as evidence of the trends observed in social settings. For this reason, researchers must evaluate the nature of their research topics before adopting MMR as the ideal research design.

Leavy (2022) focuses on the logical aspect of exercising a mixed-method research design. This source lends a more informed point of view that enlightens the general idea behind MMR. This is an excellent approach because it creates awareness by illustrating the origin of MMR and why it is applied in the study of social sciences research topics.

Kelle and Bernhard (2019) elaborate on how the mixed methods approach has been advanced over the years. He mentions that today, researchers receive incentives when using mixed-method research designs. In this light, the author encourages researchers to understand and incorporate the approach. The final piece of literature builds up from the basics of analysis to more complex concepts of MMR. Elaborating on critical elements such as key factors to consider and the advantages of MMR distinguishes the paper from the rest.

The literature review presented by the authors articulates valid vital points that apply to mixed-method research. All the authors provide an impressive approach to understanding mixed-method research design. At the heart of the mixed method mode, the sources make it clear that an expert understanding of incorporating more than one research design in a study is equivalent to effective MMR.

Besides this, extensive literature enlightens on the suitability of mixed research methods. From this viewpoint, it is clear that, much like other designs, MMR cannot be unthinkingly applied to any research topic. The process should be used procedurally with the following aspects, including evaluation of the research topic and requirements of both methods and data analysis, which are crucial in a study.

Information from the literature review fortifies the place of mixed-method research in the field of study. As demonstrated by Åkerblad et al. (2021), there is an evident increase in the uptake of mixed-method research design, particularly in Social Sciences. Moreover, the literature demonstrates that mixed-method research has unique advantages that improve the outcomes of research topics. The mixed research framework helps to gather more qualitative and quantitative information. This literature review expands existing knowledge while urging researchers to deploy MMR in future research.

Sampling Procedures and Data Analysis

The sampling techniques used in mixed method research design depend on the study’s objectives. For example, if a researcher aims for fair and equal representation in the sample population, they might have to use purposeful sampling. Where representation is not that critical, a researcher may opt for random selection (Leko et al., 2022). Generally, researchers utilize snowball, convenience, and purposeful sampling when employing a mixed-method research design. Also, mixed method models that aim at constructing a generalized view lean towards random selection at the beginning, after which they use stratified sampling, cluster sampling, or systematic sampling (Kansteiner & König, 2020). Whatever sampling technique is used, the researcher must assess its impact on the population and the overall outcome of the research paper.

Traditional data analysis techniques are used to analyze data from mixed method research design. Quantitative techniques are applied in quantifiable data analysis (Proudfoot, 2023). This method is broadly categorized into inferential and descriptive data analysis (Proudfoot, 2023). Descriptive statistics comprise mathematical computations like mean, median, variance, and standard deviation.

Inferential data analysis of quantitative data draws on numerical calculations to deduce inferences/conclusions. Qualitative data, on the other hand, deploys qualitative data analysis. Standard qualitative data analyses that could be used in mixed method research design are content analysis, thematic analysis, discourse analysis, and framework analysis. After the two sets (qualitative and quantitative data) are analyzed, the results are combined to develop conclusive recommendations on the research topic.


In summary, mixed method research design is applied across different fields to advance studies and gather revolutionary information. The mounting literature review dissects the dynamics around this research approach. Pivotal elements that must be c include a proper understanding of the research topic, the operation of the individual designs to be combined, the execution methodology of mixed methods, and data analysis related to research findings.

The literature also reiterates that planning through sequential steps is essential for successfully executing a mixed-method research approach. In light of this, this paper increases the knowledge available regarding mixed method research while also proposing it as a resourceful approach to improve the understanding of research topics in health, social science, and all complex topics.


Åkerblad, L., Seppänen-Järvelä, R., & Haapakoski, K. (2021). Integrative strategies in mixed methods research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 15(2), 152-170. Web.

Dawadi, S., Shrestha, S., & Giri, R. A. (2021). Mixed-methods research: A discussion on its types, challenges, and criticisms. Journal of Practical Studies in Education, 2(2), 25-36. Web.

Dovetail Editorial Team. (2023). What is mixed methods research? Dovetail. Web.

Fishler, A. (n.d.). Mixed Methods. Retrieved from Nova South Eastern University. Web.

Kansteiner, K., & König, S. (2020). The role (s) of qualitative content analysis in mixed methods research designs. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 21(1). Web.

Kelle, U., Kühberger, C., & Bernhard, R. (2019). How to use mixed-methods and triangulation designs: An introduction to history education research. History Education Research Journal. Web.

Kimmons, R. (2022). Mixed Methods: How does one go about doing good mixed methods research? BYU Open Learning Network. Web.

Leko, M. M., Hitchcock, J. H., Love, H. R., Houchins, D. E., & Conroy, M. A. (2022). Quality indicators for mixed-methods research in special education. Exceptional Children, 89(4), 432-448. Web.

Leavy, P. (2022). Research design: Quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and community-based participatory research approaches(2nd ed.). Guilford Publications.

Proudfoot, K. (2023). Inductive/Deductive hybrid thematic analysis in mixed methods research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 17(3), 308-326. Web.

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