“The Nature of Things: Biomimicry”: Article Analysis

Written texts, whether scientific or entertaining, short articles or books, mostly follow several linguistic criteria. Texts may differ in the style of writing, the primary purpose of the author, and the main purpose of the reader. Such standards are crucial for authors, as it makes the structure of the working process more manageable and gives a clear understanding of the purpose of the text.

  • The nature of things: Biomimicry is a science-based article, which is built on research and straight facts. Unlike several other scientific research papers, this article is written in a descriptive style that various age groups can understand. The author begins the piece with a dictionary-based definition of the word “biomimicry”, in order to ease the understanding. The article contains four main sections that explain how natural camouflage has been implemented into people’s daily lives. The author provides different examples to give a public image of each point.

The author’s primary purpose is to briefly and clearly convey the main idea of natural and human camouflage to the reader. The author adds several eye-catching images for the purpose of a better delivery of the given examples. In the last paragraph of the article, the author poses rhetorical questions, attracting the reader’s attention. Such technique makes the reader pause and reflect.

From a reader’s perspective, the primary purpose of reading this article is to find intelligible, science-based information on camouflage use. Such text can be of interest to students and concerned people for educational purposes. The informal and detailed style of the text can also attract readers for entertainment purposes. As the text is divided into structural elements, it gives a thorough and engaging description of how camouflage was implemented into daily life.

In conclusion, written works can differ in various ways, including the purpose and style of the work, the author’s purpose, and the reader’s purpose. The provided article is a descriptive, scientific-based research paper. It gives the reader a full explanation of what camouflage is and how it developed. The reader’s interest can vary from educational purposes to entertainment, as the work is written in an understandable, non-formal manner.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, June 9). “The Nature of Things: Biomimicry”: Article Analysis. https://studycorgi.com/the-nature-of-things-biomimicry-article-analysis/

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StudyCorgi. (2022) '“The Nature of Things: Biomimicry”: Article Analysis'. 9 June.

1. StudyCorgi. "“The Nature of Things: Biomimicry”: Article Analysis." June 9, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/the-nature-of-things-biomimicry-article-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. "“The Nature of Things: Biomimicry”: Article Analysis." June 9, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/the-nature-of-things-biomimicry-article-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "“The Nature of Things: Biomimicry”: Article Analysis." June 9, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/the-nature-of-things-biomimicry-article-analysis/.

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