The Need of Censorship in the Music Industry


Recently, it has become more challenging for parents and the authorities to make sure that children do not get access to inappropriate materials that may affect their mental system or make them grow up too early. The situation becomes even more difficult because of freedom of speech and personal expression. Although some people find the latter to be superior, it is still of vital importance to put limits on material that is marketed to minors. While the threat of an expensive suit amount is a kind of censorship in the music industry, other means should also be implemented.

Why and How the Limits Should Be Placed

Many artists, including musicians, use their talent and opportunities to draw public attention to acute problems. For example, as noticed by Starr and Waterman (2017, 489), “both Madonna and Prince have sought to blur the conventional boundaries of … sexuality and have periodically sought to rekindle their fans’ interest by … coming up with new and controversial songs and images.” Often, musicians also try to attract the attention of children, but the child’s psyche is still weak and underdeveloped. While they must grow up with the knowledge that they have many pressing issues to solve in the future, this information must be conveyed to them in ethical and discreet ways, not through provocation.

Madonna’s hit song “Like a Virgin” is clearly written for adults, not minors. Her song and music video may raise numerous questions and are unlikely to share valuable ideas with children. It is probably appropriate to talk about premarital sex with sixteen-year-olds and older, but younger people should not be involved in such a discussion. In both her music videos, Madonna makes movements of a sexual nature, and the text also contains phrases that are not very decent content (Madonna 2009; Madonna Brasil 2017). In the more controversial 1990 version, her dress, movements, and other people on the scene should not be seen by minors to avoid misunderstandings and affected psyche. In Prince’s music video, the singer is partly naked and makes movements of a sexual nature (Prince 2017). While some parts of the text may seem ordinary, others refer to sexual intercourse. Some features of the video itself create a feeling that one should not even watch it as they are too personal.

Overall, while it is now more appropriate to talk about sex and offer sex education to minors, precisely psychologists, educators, and parents should set the limits. This should be achieved by studying the abilities of a child’s brain in accordance with age, interests, and current public tendencies. The limits should be enforced by the authorities and also people involved in the distribution of products that are inappropriate for minors. It seems that the threat of a bankruptcy-inducing suit amount can de facto censor the music industry because performers do not want to lose their money. Finally, while people have the right to express themselves freely, this process is considered acceptable as long as it does not violate the rights and safety of others, in this case, children.


To draw a conclusion, one may say that the topic of censorship and the right to freedom of speech is a challenging and controversial discussion. However, when it concerns the mental health of minors, the choice should not be made in favor of freedom of expression. Children should not be negatively influenced just because musicians have freedom of speech, so some products should be censored and restricted.


Madonna. 2009. “Madonna – Like A Virgin (Official Video).” YouTube video.

Madonna Brasil. 2017. “Madonna – Like a Virgin (Live Blond Ambition Tour).” YouTube video.

Prince. 2017. “Prince & The Revolution – When Doves Cry (Extended Version) (Official Music Video).” YouTube video.

Starr, Larry, and Christopher Waterman. 2017. American Popular Music: From Minstrelsy to MP3. 5th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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