The No Child Left Behind Policy

The No Child Left behind Policy or NCLB came into being because of ex-president, George W. Bush in 2001. It reauthorized various federal programs that aimed to develop the functioning of the secondary and primary schools in United States by providing the parents with more adaptability of being able to choose the best school their children should attend and increasing the criteria of responsibility of schools, districts and states. NCLB is a modern piece of legislation that ordains the principles of education based on standards and believes that by establishing high values and setting measurable goals the individual outcome of the students will improve. NCLB helps to lessen the achievement gap that exists between the White students and the Blacks and ethnic minorities by federally mandating standardized testing for all. (Mabry, 2008)

NCLB is not a compromise between school choice and educational spending. It simply encourages schools to be more responsible for the students and helps the parents get better institutional choices for the kids. It gives the students opportunity to enroll into an enhanced school if any school fails to meet the standards of Adequate Yearly Progress or AYP. As for the educational spending, it increases the ability of the local and state agencies to use properly the federal education funds and thus, providing adequate resources to the students and schools. After this Act came into effect, the educational federal funds were increased by 59.8 % within 2003 and were used for professional development, research updates, equipments and training educators. (Deno, 2009)

NCLB motivates the teachers to teach the students according to the tests they will be taking. It remedies various problems faced by the teachers, like having to teach subjects that is beyond their knowledge or expertise, but they have to demonstrate understanding of their subject. It helps the school properly arrange and distribute the teaching programs of the educators. It makes it mandatory for all educators to be highly qualified and certified. Their teaching programs are distributed in such a manner so that the minority students are not taught by teachers who are too qualified for them, as this will create an understanding gap between them. (Azin, 2008)

NCLB has definitely been issued in the best interest of the students, parents, teachers, community and the nation as a whole since it is applicable to all the schools and this act also promotes an elevated focus on proper reading thus, reauthorizing the earlier Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It helps to develop the basic skills that are imparted to all the students alike. Through this Act, all of the public schools are required to administrate a test standardized all over the state making it very just. If a school is unable to meet the AYP then the parents can transfer their children to a new school and the institution is provided with special tutoring. (Stichter, 2009)

President Barack Obama should not make any changes to this act. Rather he should appoint someone as Secretary of Education. This because, any problem related to learning of a child is identified right at the kindergarten level in order that the child receives individual training by specially groomed educators. This is done in order that the child can reach the full potential. He also needs to see to it that every child gets their portion of education so that in this economically challenged world children can be honest, productive and a contributing citizen.


Azin, Mariam & Miriam G. Resendez; Measuring student progress: Changes and challenges under No Child Left Behind; New Directions for Evaluation; 2008; 117, 71-84; PRES Associates

Deno, Stanley L., Amy L. Reschly, Erica S. Lembke, Deanne Magnusson, Stacy A. Callender, Holly Windram, Nancy Stachel; 2009; Developing a school-wide progress-monitoring system; Psychology in the Schools; 46: 1, 44-55; University of Minnesota; University of Georgia; St. Croix River Education District, Minnesota

Mabry, Linda; Consequences of No Child Left Behind on evaluation purpose, design, and impact; New Directions for Evaluation; 2008: 117, 21-36; Washington State University

Stichter, Janine P., Melissa Stormont, Timothy J. Lewis; 2009; Instructional practices and behavior during reading: A descriptive summary and comparison of practices in title one and non-title elementary schools; Psychology in the Schools; 46: 2, 172-183; Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company; University of Missouri.

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