The Notre Dame de la Belle Verriere

The evolution of art and design across the globe has ensured that different cultures and religions preserve the guiding principles which are taught to later generations. Christianity has played a major role in the diversity of art and design through sculptures, buildings, paintings, and writings whose relevance has played a major role in reassuring the believer’s faith. One of the famous Christian artistic artifacts is the Belle Verrière window of the Cathedral of Chartres. The window is dated up to the twelfth century and is among the windows that remained after a fire brought down the Cathedral in 1194 (University of Dayton). The window is located in the South of the church and consists of twenty-four segments that highlight the ministry of Jesus Christ and the role of the Virgin Mary in the church. Nine of the highlight of the segment on the temptations and the first miracle of Jesus Christ. The other fourteen segments highlight the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ figure.

From the segments in the window, one generally gets the first impression of the Virgin Mary as a major pillar of Christianity. The assumption of the Virgin Mary’s position and power in the establishment of Christianity can be derived from the segment where she is seated on a throne, whereas her feet are resting on a footstool while the angels pay homage to her. Secondly, her bright blue garments and blue nimbus bordering her head indicate that she is nobility. The position at which Jesus is seated at the foot of the Virgin Mary while raising one hand while the other holding a book indicates that Virgin Mary plays a major role in the Christian religion (University of Dayton). Nonetheless, the window shows an example of twelfth-century art which depicts high precision from the use of color, the architecture of the Virgin Mary’s throne, and the placement of ornaments along the window borders.

Works cited

University of Dayton. “Chartres’ Belle-Verrière Window : University of Dayton, Ohio.”, Web.

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