Paint Party: Enhancing the Satisfaction of Amateur and Intermediate Painters

Executive Summary

Paint Party aims to provide painting opportunities, arouse aspirations, and enhance the satisfaction of amateur and intermediate painters. Analysis of the market shows that there are painting enthusiasts in college who need to hone their artistic skills. Moreover, the analysis of the market shows that amateur and intermediate painters need to advance their artistic skills. However, Paint Party expects competition from other parties and adverts in the college. The party event will take place at the graduation ground where a minimum of 50 participants is expected to attend. Interested participants will register at Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Paint Party is to provide unique service to amateur and intermediate painters with a view of enabling them to hone their artistic skills and arouse their aspirations.

Through the Paint Party, we hope to realize the following objectives:-

  1. To provide painting opportunities for amateur and intermediate painters to hone their artistic skills.
  2. To arouse the aspirations of amateur and intermediate painters by enabling them to participate in group sessions.
  3. To enhance enjoyment and satisfaction of painting among amateur and intermediate painters.

Market Analysis

Target Market

Paint Party targets paint enthusiasts who are amateur and intermediate painters. These paint enthusiasts are students in colleges who take painting as their hobby and would like to explore and advance their painting skills. Paint Party aims to provide painting opportunities, arouse painting aspirations, and enhance enjoyment and satisfaction of painting, targets college students at various academic levels with amateur and intermediate skills in painting.

Market Need

Customer Need from Paint Companies

Painting companies require more expert painters with advanced skills in painting so that they can employ and use them in performing various projects that they undertake daily. The need for more expert painters compelled paint companies to compete for the available painters and undertake limited work. Thus, to meet the high demand for expert painters, paint companies training and inspiration of amateur and intermediate painters. Paint Party would enable paint companies to meet customer needs for it provides painting opportunity, inspires, and promote the satisfaction of painters. As a consequence of the Paint Party, a significant number of paint enthusiasts with amateur and intermediate skills would hone their artistic skills and become expert painters.

Another need that paint companies need to satisfy is the marketing of their products. For painting companies need to increase their sales, they require an increasing number of painters for they are their core customers. Essentially, the number of customers in a given geographical location is proportional to the sales that paint companies register. The target of amateur and intermediate painters is a strategy aimed at inspiring and motivating painters to advance their painting skills and influence others to join paint.

Customer Need from Paint Enthusiasts

Currently, painters do not have social events where they come together and showcase their talents and skills. As a consequence, amateur and intermediate painters have lacked an opportunity to interact with their peers and experts in painting so that they can advance their skills. Social interaction plays a central role in artistry for it allows artists to share their skills and gain new skills. In this view, the Paint Party aims to satisfy the need for social events so that painters can come together, share their skills, and acquire new skills to polish their artistic skills.

Owing to reduced group sessions, painters have diminished inspiration to advance their artistic skills. Particularly, amateur and intermediate painters lack inspiration since they have no group sessions where they can interact and share their artistic skills. Thus, the role of the Paint Party is to provide group sessions for amateur and intermediate painters to undertake group tasks and inspire one another by sharing artistic skills. When painters share skills and learn from the skills of others, they inspire each other resulting in satisfaction of the need to advance artistic skills.

Since paint does not involve social interaction, painters have minimal enjoyment and satisfaction in their jobs. Normally, painters focus on their arts with limited or no focus on social interactions. Consequently, amateur and intermediate painters do not see the need to advance their artistic skills for they do not expect to experience enjoyment and satisfaction in their work. Thus, Paint Party would boost enjoyment and satisfaction among amateur and intermediate painters and enable them to advance their artistic skills in painting. The use of the well-designed website would advertise Paint Party and allow many amateur and intermediate painters to attend the party.


Paint Party expects competition from other parties that college students attend. Since amateur and intermediate painters are members of other social organizations, they can decide to forgo Paint Party and attend other events they consider important. Paint Party experiences competition in advertisement since most organizations in the college use website in advertising their events and broadcasting among students.

Operational Plan

Event Location

The event location is in the school graduation grounds within the campus. The graduation ground provides adequate space to accommodate amateur and intermediate painters. The participants’ categories include individuals and groups of a maximum of five individuals. The adequate space gives the art enthusiasts an ample environment to express their creativity and advance painting skills through interaction and exchange of ideas. The expected capacity is 50 participants of amateur and intermediate painters.

Management Plan

The management plan of the party event is divided into various sections under different officials tasked with responsibilities to oversee the arrangement and planning for the success of the event. The organizing committee who are the officials of the paint party event will run the preparation and facilitate the party event. The committee includes:-

  • Chairperson: One member of the committee who deliberates on the preparation of the paint party event, including the overall technical needs to meet the requirements of the party.
  • Treasurer: A chief finance officer works with the assistance of the other two members tasked to undertake the overall budget of the paint party event. Their responsibilities include providing financial layout and the required financial cost to facilitate the event.
  • Advertisement team: Consists of five committee members tasked to promote the awareness of the event amongst the college students. Their responsibility includes issuing posters of paint party event to students in strategic social places and sticking posters and expert paintings in strategic places within the college and venue of the event
  • Operational Team: The team involves four members tasked to facilitate the acquisition of painting materials and equipment, advertisement posters and expert paintings, and provide the order program of the paint party event

Business Operational Plan

The paint party event aims at uniting the entire interested artistic enthusiasts amongst college students with an expected capacity of 50 participants. The business operation plan is:-

Creation of website

  1. Advertise the event
  2. Acquirement of the required painting materials and equipment
  3. Provide participant registration program before and at the event date
  4. Provide the required materials and equipment for a painting to the participants
  5. Facilitate individual and group participant organization prior and at the date of the paint party event to promote participation
  6. Provision of meals to participants

The event layout is as below

The event layout .

The layout of the Website

The layout of the Website

  1. Home: Allows users to navigate to the home page of the website
  2. Logo: The Paint Party will insert its logo so that users can easily view and identify it.
  3. Customer Details: Allows the website to track the geographical location of the users and indicate their location for selection purposes.
  4. Sign Up: permits users to provide their demographic details so that they can enter into the website and register for the paint party event.
  5. Login: When a customer registers by signing up, he/she will be able to enter the system using login details and change preferences in the settings.
  6. Advert: The advert of the event.
  7. Levels of a painter: The user will select his/her level and check the requirements and expectations of the paint party event.
  8. About Us: Provides information about the paint party event.
  9. Address section: Offers contact information of Paint Party so that users can contact customer care or the management.

Financial Plan

The required financial breakdown of the paint party event is to facilitate the requirements as below

  1. Venue preparation
  2. Acquisition of painting material and equipment
  3. Designing and printing of advertisement posters
  4. Food provision

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 26). Paint Party: Enhancing the Satisfaction of Amateur and Intermediate Painters.

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"Paint Party: Enhancing the Satisfaction of Amateur and Intermediate Painters." StudyCorgi, 26 Nov. 2020,

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Paint Party: Enhancing the Satisfaction of Amateur and Intermediate Painters'. 26 November.

1. StudyCorgi. "Paint Party: Enhancing the Satisfaction of Amateur and Intermediate Painters." November 26, 2020.


StudyCorgi. "Paint Party: Enhancing the Satisfaction of Amateur and Intermediate Painters." November 26, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Paint Party: Enhancing the Satisfaction of Amateur and Intermediate Painters." November 26, 2020.

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