Parthenon Marbles: Britain’s Erroneous Reservation

It is erroneous for Britain to continue reserving the Parthenon Marbles in London. From the historical records, it is evident that Britain acquired the marbles during the forceful occupation of the Ottoman Empire. Greece did not have an option to resist this acquisition even if it was done in a ‘legal’ way. The fact that Greece was the subject of Britain during this historical time explains why the marble changed hands quite easily. Greece likely gave out the marble as a way of mending its patches with Britain during the war period. There may be additional historical records not mentioned in the acquisition even though Britain must have employed its territorial tyranny to meet certain goals.

The Parthenon Marbles remain the historical artifact of Greece even if Britain remains adamant to give it back. There is no single nation that is not passionate about its culture and heritage. If that is the case, why should Britain deny the Greeks their right? The marbles were bought when there was pressure for war. Therefore, the sanity of the decision to sell it to Britain is still in doubt. Besides, it does not imply that Greece cannot safely preserve and maintain the marbles as insinuated by some experts.

I fully concur with the opinion that the marbles should be returned to Greece despite the excellent job done by Britain to preserve them for close to two centuries. At this point, Britain should acknowledge the fact that Lord Elgin never had the express rights to sell the marbles to any foreign nation. The marbles were pure symbols of national heritage and culture. Hence, they never belonged to any individual. Lord Elgin may have erred altogether at the expense of the Greek nation. How could an individual’s mistake be shouldered on the whole nation? It is also apparent that the permission to sell the Parthenon Marbles was given by the Turkish empire. In other words, Greeks were never part and parcel of the deal. Before Britain could finally reject the plea to return the marbles to Greece, it can be recalled that the former had softened its stand but later opted to remain adamant.

On the other hand, it might not be harmful altogether if the marbles are left in Britain so long as the latter maintains it just as it has done for the last one and half centuries. The Greeks may also marvel at their cherished culture overseas if the marbles remain in London. The unwillingness by Britain to release the marbles may as well be a blessing in disguise for Greece.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 25). Parthenon Marbles: Britain’s Erroneous Reservation.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Parthenon Marbles: Britain’s Erroneous Reservation." January 25, 2021.

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