Being 21 years old, I am still searching for my role in the play of life and do not know who I am. That is why it was not an easy task to choose an artifact that would reflect my personality. I strongly associate myself with an ocean that might be calm and appealing one day, and another day might be raging and destroying. Besides, I cannot imagine myself without the dark-blue cap of tea, the pocketbook, the daily planner, the notebook with entrance tickets that I collect during the trips, and the wireless earphones. My individuality is also shaped by my lists of videos on YouTube and music on my smartphone.
Despite the uncertainty about who I am, I have decided to present this stone as an artifact. I found this stone at a sandy beach approximately 18 years ago. Currently, this stone lies deep on the shelf, and usually, I do not see it. Nevertheless, being a child, I spent a lot of time thinking about what made this stone look like it is now. It is interesting to notice that this stone made me dream of becoming an archeologist even though this idea remained in childhood.
From first sight, this item might seem to be unprepossessing. Notwithstanding this fact, the more you look at it, the more peculiarities you notice. For instance, this imprint of a lizards tail makes the stone unique and plunges the viewer into an era when it was still soft. This point reminds me of myself because while growing up so many words, events, and other people could leave a deep imprint on the personality. Although this might be painful, these would later turn into unique features and contribute to the formation of a great and strong character. Besides, it could be noted that the stone has numerous holes, bulges, and cavities that could tell a story of a boulder that became a small stone to the specialist. Similarly, scars serve as reminders of various events in our lives. For instance, I have numerous scars that I got because of being an extremely curious and a bit clumsy child. This way, looking at these marks makes it possible to tell a story of life and guess my temper.
Finally, I suppose that this stone represents me as an individual because it could not be easily broken. In spite of being dropped several times, it did not crash. My motto is to be stronger than the most persuasive excuses, and I want to believe that one day I would become solid as a rock. What is more, the grandchildren of my grandchildren would be able to look at this stone and touch it. In other words, it would sustain in centuries. At this point, I want my existence also not to be forgotten for a considerable time.
I want to admit that the first idea on what to choose as an artifact was a bunch of pencils and markers that are in the small basket on my desk. In the song ‘Show must go on”, Freddie Mercury pronounces a phrase that describes my personality, “my soul is painted like the wings of butterflies”. However, colored pencils and markers do not express the internal strength of an individual, the life path, and the difficulties that were surmounted. Markers tend to run out of ink, and, if they were ensouled creatures, this would mean that they gave up and accepted their fate. I am definitely not such a person.