“The Pillow Book and the List of Hateful Things” by Sei Shonagon


The Pillow Book and the List of Hateful Things, written by Sei Shonagon, is a portrayal of the Heian culture in regard to elitist approaches to etiquette, social interactions, and gatherings. Namely, one of the hateful elements that the author highlights is “One is telling a story about old times when someone breaks in with a little detail that he happens to know, implying that one’s own version is inaccurate” (Shonagon 46). The element is particularly harmful in regards to connotations as it illustrates one’s dismissal of a person’s perception and individual feelings during a specific event or circumstance.


The genre of literature highlighted in the Pillow Book reveals specific details concerning the life of the elite during the Heian period. Namely, the piece of literature does not merely illustrate the way of life of the individuals but portrays their thoughts, emotions, and feelings in regard to day-to-day life events. For example, historians mention that the period between 900 and 1050 was marked by classical refinement, hence, a level of politeness and education that is followed by elites (Ebrey and Walthall 148). The Pillow Book reveals a more in-depth reflection on etiquette and social situations, which is information that can not be directly perceived through other literary genres or documents from the Heian period.


The limitations of said documents are extensive despite the fact that the literature piece provides insight into a more personal understanding of the Heian period. However, the content does not apply to non-elite casts. Thus, the overview of life during the time period is subjective and only illustrates the point of view of women of a specific economic and social status. Moreover, objectivity is extended to perceptions of the world.

Works Cited

Ebrey, Patricia, and Anne Walthall. East Asia: A Cultural, Social, and Political History. 3rd ed., Cengage Learning, 2012.

Shōnagon, Sei, and Ivan Morris. The Pillow Book of Sei Shōnagon. Columbia University Press, 1991.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, November 26). “The Pillow Book and the List of Hateful Things” by Sei Shonagon. https://studycorgi.com/the-pillow-book-and-the-list-of-hateful-things-by-sei-shonagon/

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"“The Pillow Book and the List of Hateful Things” by Sei Shonagon." StudyCorgi, 26 Nov. 2023, studycorgi.com/the-pillow-book-and-the-list-of-hateful-things-by-sei-shonagon/.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) '“The Pillow Book and the List of Hateful Things” by Sei Shonagon'. 26 November.

1. StudyCorgi. "“The Pillow Book and the List of Hateful Things” by Sei Shonagon." November 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/the-pillow-book-and-the-list-of-hateful-things-by-sei-shonagon/.


StudyCorgi. "“The Pillow Book and the List of Hateful Things” by Sei Shonagon." November 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/the-pillow-book-and-the-list-of-hateful-things-by-sei-shonagon/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“The Pillow Book and the List of Hateful Things” by Sei Shonagon." November 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/the-pillow-book-and-the-list-of-hateful-things-by-sei-shonagon/.

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