The Play “New Ma” by Dora Dee Hunter: Review

The play “NEW MA” by Dora Dee Hunter is a modern performance covering some of the most crucial aspects of people’s lives in the current world. The play may be roughly divided into six acts, each of them including a new twist in the plot. The main characters are a single mother and her three children whose relationships are similar to any of such families’ but whose situation becomes different from others due to a little magic. The story is full of good humor, but, at the same time, it presents a valuable lesson to the audience about the need to be cautious about one’s desires.

The first act opens with the mother setting up breakfast for her children. Muffin, the youngest, seems to the happiest with the household chores — but that is probably because she hardly has any. Meanwhile, Treena and Marcus, teenagers, are quite dissatisfied with their mother’s requirements to do something about the house (Hunter, 2017). The only sorrow Muffin has is the mother’s refusal to get her a dog. Thus, when in the second act, her elder sister suggests ordering a NEW MA, her brother and sister support her.

In the next few acts, miraculous changes happen to the family. At first, a fairy arrives, who informs the children that they can choose a NEW MA up to three times (Hunter, 2017). The last choice they make will remain with them forever. The brother and two sisters are excited, but when their first NEW MA arrives, their excitement quickly alters to disappointment: she does not care about the children and spends all her time talking on the phone, shopping, and having fun. Such behavior reminds of Treena’s to a great extent (Hunter, 2017). The second NEW MA is much closer to Marcus: she enjoys playing basketball and making coarse jokes. Once again, this new mother-substitute does not make children any happier. Although they do not have to listen to her commands, they also have no one to care about them.

Finally, Muffin is afraid that their last choice may become even more terrible, and they will have to live with it forever. So, the little girl selects the options matching their real mom and sets on the program. In the morning, all three kids are happy to see their beloved mother in the kitchen, making their favorite pancakes (Hunter, 2017). What happens next is beyond any of their expectations: Muffin finally gets a puppy, Marcus is given a new game, and Treena is promised to go to New York on a shopping tour. Everyone realizes how blessed they are to have each other and how happy they have always been.

The play teaches the audience, both parents and children, valuable lessons. Parents can look at themselves from aside and realize that sometimes, their upbringing methods are limited by merely dictating to children what they can and cannot do. Meanwhile, children can see that their parents strive to provide them with the necessary things, even if they have to sacrifice time and entertainment. An especially important moment in the play was when the mother had a conversation with Marcus about how he should behave when confronted by the police (Hunter, 2017). Taking into consideration the latest news from the USA, this topic has not lost its actuality. Overall, the play leaves a highly positive impression on the audience and gives insights into some of the most crucial issues most families encounter.


Hunter, D. (2017). NEW MA (Stage Play- comedy) [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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