The Poem “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” by Yeats

In his poem called the Lake Isle of Innisfree, Willian Butler Yeats emphasizes the undeniable connection between the spiritual world of the human being and nature. The author describes the mystical world of the human phantasies where one can be saved from the vanity of the real world. The comparison of the bright colors of the Innisfree and the grey tones of the payment shows that the Isle is beckoning for people (Yeats). Only there can a person feel freedom and calmness. Harmony with nature is a critical condition of freedom of the human mind.

The author ends the poem with a statement that the peace and freedom of the soul are kept deep in the heart of every person. People go to the inner salvation place such as Innisfree when it becomes difficult to face the “grey roadways” and “payments” (Yeats). In other words, people can find inner freedom in themselves at any moment. The author claims that people should “arise and go, and go to Innisfree” (Yeats). The first phrase of the poem allows the reader to complete the poem’s main idea. The name of the Isle is symbolic. “Inn” in Old English can be translated as “home” or “soul.” The implicit idea covered by the author is implemented through the name of the Island. The desirable freedom is hidden deep inside every person’s heart. Even though the grey, crowded city limits people’s freedom, this Island will always be a safe place where peace and harmony can be found. Being located in people’s cognition, this place is free of any destructing emotions or problems. Thus, the ultimate freedom of people’s souls is inside their imagination.

Work Cited

Yeats, Willian. “The Lake Isle of Innisfree.” Poets.Org, Web.

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