The Profile of a Crime Victim


The profile of a crime victim is generally regarded to be a matter of statistics, while the victims themselves are people of various origins, ages, and occupations. The fact is that, when some event (even the most tragic) becomes too frequent, it becomes a matter of statistics. The same should be said of crimes, homicides, and robberies.


The outcomes of the offered study are obvious. First of all, it should be stated that large cities, with the high density of population and with higher economic levels. This evidence is confirmed by the notion that the large cities offer more opportunities for robbery and crimes, as people (victims) are often too careless and let the criminals commit crimes by leaving their car doors unlocked, not caring of physical training, or provoking criminals to attack. Originally, these reasons are relevant if we are talking of street crimes, nevertheless, some of the factors are also applicable to organized crimes.

Another evidence, which should be derived from the study relates to the issues of geographic location. Statistics show, that a larger percentage of victims originate from the South of the USA. Originally, it may be explained by the notion that Southern regions are poorer than Northern states. Moreover, the south is filled with immigrants from South America, who often resort to crime to survive in the circumstances of strict immigration policies. The evidence of the study reveals the following facts:

  • High risks of victimization take place in low-income neighborhoods, but not in wealthy communities.
  • The worsening or improvement of local conditions can affect crime rate development.

Another statement, that should be emphasized, claims that the general profile of the victim (white woman, 30-50 aged, level income – middle) often contradicts with the reality, as people of all income levels, of all sexes, ages, and occupations are subjected to crimes. Nevertheless, the only feature that unites all the victims (potential and existing) is that they consider the credibility of the attack to be too high in comparison with the reality.

By the media viewings, the profile of the victim is represented as

a physically and morally weak person, independent of sex, race, and age. The fact is that there is a strong necessity to emphasize that the existing statistics point out the openness of people towards crime: it means that often, people start thinking over the matters of their security only after the crime has already taken place, and the person or one’s friends/relatives were subjected to crime attack.

Major Implications of the Laboratory Report Findings

The conclusions of the research, which should be made based on the facts and considerations, generally emphasize the fact that victims of the crimes are the people who had provoked the criminals to attack them by different actions. Originally, people care of their safety extensively, nevertheless, sometimes they neglect the elementary rule of such security, and by the irony of destiny, these moments become fatal for them, as criminals do not sleep, and often look for their victim, awaiting that she or he will simplify the task for a criminal.

Reference List

Glassberg, H., Dodd, E. (2009) “A Guide to the Role of Crime Victims in Mental Health Courts” Council of State Governments Justice Center New York.

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