The Public Organizations: The Issues of the Present


There is much turbulence that the United States has been experiencing regarding societal transformation. Understanding one another is the first step in having an honest conversation about social issues in America. Communities, governments, and workplaces can significantly improve with thoughtful dialogues. To understand how different social problems are eradicated, it is important to examine different organizations’ approaches to this issue.


CARE organization is located in North East of Atlanta, and its headquarters address is 151 Ellis Street, NE, Atlanta, GA, 30303, with the phone number 1-800-422-7385 (Care, 2022). CARE puts its trust in women, believing that once women are empowered, they will use the available resources to raise their families and help them escape poverty (Peterman et al., 2020). CARE was founded during World War II by the amalgamation of several organizations and with the help of President Truman. The organization is still in existence and has maintained its mission of fighting poverty. This organization’s primary mission was to end poverty (Care International, 2022). The organization serves people worldwide affected by poverty and is an international organization.

CARE is not a voluntary organization and consists entirely of paid employees. Most of the findings in this organization usually come from individual donations (Hotez, 2021). The organization’s stated goal is achievable and realistic, and it depends only on the number of people involved and funding. Since its founding, the organization has undergone significant changes, since initially it was engaged in helping people affected by the war, and now everyone who needs it. At the same time, CARE performs its work successfully and efficiently, helping people worldwide.

The second organization studied is the American Immigration Council. The organization is located at 1331 G St. NW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C., 20005 at 202-507-7557 (American Immigration Council, 2022). The organization solves various social issues related to immigrants. The company was founded by the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) in 1987 to fight for the rights of immigrants (Influence watch, 2022). The organization’s mission is to strengthen America by improving the laws and regulations regarding migrants. To do this, the company initiates many public initiatives that are aimed at helping immigrants, so its activities can be considered successful.

The organization’s activities are aimed at helping American migrants. To destroy the problem, the organization is conducting many initiatives aimed at implementing various public projects. The American Immigration Council is an American non-profit organization that operates within one state and is funded by AILA. The organization’s goals are achievable and realistic because the results of its activities can be observed in modern days. The company, throughout its history, has yet to make significant attempts to change. Respectively, its structure and activities have not changed. The organization’s activity is successful because the results of the work of the American Immigration Council are observed constantly.

The third organization that claims to be the destruction of social problems is Greenpeace. It is located at Surinameplein 1181058 GV Amsterdam with +31 20 718 2000 (Greenpeace, 2022). Greenpeace aims to solve problems associated with the destruction of nature and the environment. The organization was founded in 1971 to prevent nuclear weapons testing in Alaska (Greenpeace, 2022). The organization’s mission is to combat natural and climate change caused by human activity to help people live in a clean environment. To solve the problem, Greenpeace takes various measures, from public initiatives to rallies and demands on governments. The organization is international and operates worldwide in most countries. Greenpeace is a whole volunteer organization funded by donations. The organization’s goals are realistic and achievable because implementing their projects is not difficult. The organization has kept its purpose and meaning the same. The success of Greenpeace in achieving its goals can be commended as it has been the driving force behind many societal changes.


The public organizations that solve the issues of the present, for the most part, stem from some significant historical problems. All the considered companies conduct their activities to resolve current public needs that have been formed in society. The success of these companies can be regarded in different ways, but each contributes to a better world.

Works Cited

American Immigration Council. Contact Us. (2022). Web.

CARE International. CARE works to fight poverty and achieve social justice. (2022). Web.

Care. Contact CARE USA. (2022). Web.

Greenpeace. Our network. (2022). Web.

Hotez, Peter J. Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases: The Neglected Tropical Diseases and Their

Impact on Global Health and Development. (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, 2021. Web.

Influence watch. American Immigration Council (AIC). (2022). Web.

Peterman, Amber, et al. Pandemics and Violence against Women and Children. Vol. 528. Center for Global Development, 2020. Web.

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