The Registered Nurse and Guided Research in the Clinical Setting

The effective practice of registered nurses usually depends on applying the findings of research and the principles of evidence-based services and care. In order to understand what practices and approaches to use when achieving the best results in treatment and care, it is necessary to refer to previous research in the field (Huston, 2019). It is also critical to apply the results of guided research in the context of clinical settings because different decisions of nurses should be supported by certain research findings, study results, trials, experts’ guidelines, systematic reviews, and theory.

In medical facilities, registered nurses receive many opportunities to participate in guided research activities in order to examine specific research problems and find solutions to them. These research projects allow for resolving a variety of practical issues typically observed in clinical settings because of the possibilities to find answers to certain medical and nursing questions (Huston, 2019). It is also important to note that, in guided research, a registered nurse can perform the roles of a participant and a supervisor, depending on their experience.

The outcomes of guided research can be viewed as essential for realizing the principles of evidence-based practice in clinical settings. Registered nurses are expected to make decisions and select treatment methods when referring to the results of credible studies in different areas. This approach is important to ensure that patients’ safety and their needs are priorities for nurses who tend to choose only the best practices and techniques in health care. As a result, nurses should pay much attention to possibilities for research in their clinical settings in order to guarantee they follow the latest findings and trends in nursing care.


Huston, C. J. (2019). Professional issues in nursing: Challenges and opportunities (5th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

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