The Responsibility of a Nurse Leader


Thank you for your posting; the information and your thoughts on the leadership and management roles correlation demonstrate your reflection on the topic. I particularly liked your remark on the informal performance in leadership positions of all nurses, regardless of their official responsibilities. Indeed, being an active participant in a team working in an environment of mutual professional competence exchange and learning requires acting as a leader either for peers or for patients.


The differences you noticed between management and leadership are accurately formulated. In particular, the responsibility of a nurse leader to impact and develop organizational culture is an important aspect of facilitating effectiveness and collaboration in the healthcare workplace. In this regard, high-quality leadership is more important in cultivating a proper working environment than management. Indeed, research findings demonstrate that “when nurses are less satisfied with leadership, interpersonal strain increases, and counterproductive work behaviors also increase, reducing patient satisfaction with the nursing care received” (Zaghini et al., 2020, p. 3). Thus, to eliminate the occurrence of such disruptive outcomes, proper leadership competencies should be developed.

Another important aspect is the overlapping of leadership and management in managing change in the healthcare setting. Researchers define change management as “the process of continually renewing an organization’s direction, structure, and capabilities to serve the ever-changing needs of external and internal customers” (Heath & Porter, 2019, p. 21).


Thus, the process of renewing and improving the organization depends on the effectiveness of managers’ planning and implementation of specific tasks, as well as a bigger picture of leaders’ motivation and support of the staff in the overall attempt to make change a new norm for the organizational culture and patient outcomes.


Heath, M., & Porter, T. H. (2019). Change management overlooked: Physician perspectives on EHR implementation. American Journal of Business, 34(1), 19-36.

Zaghini, F., Fiorini, J., Piredda, M., Fida, R., & Sili, A. (2020). The relationship between nurse managers’ leadership style and patients’ perception of the quality of the care provided by nurses: Cross sectional survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 101, 1-26. Web.

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