The Role of Organizational Culture in Social Impact in Business and Non-Profit Settings


Organizational culture is an important aspect that can be the driving force that helps an organization function. Various principles and rules established in the team can make the work of employees much more accessible and contribute to more positive communication. However, organizational cultures are not interchangeable, and those implemented in one place may not be suitable for promoting another company. This can be seen in the organizational culture I have seen working in a volunteer organization helping the homeless with food and clothing.

Main Body

In my situation, the organizational culture was about bringing people together around a common problem. At the same time, this was well argued since many people saw a large number of homeless people and wondered how they could be helped. One can define the culture in that organization as a culture of social impact. In a non-profit environment, this type of culture can influence service delivery in ways that provide additional rationale for employees why they should work to create social impact (Gill, 2009). Observing results in a society that has changed through the involvement of employees can be an essential factor in improving service delivery.

In a commercial environment, the mentioned organizational culture can also arise because it does not exclude the importance of obtaining financial profit. People who are engaged in social change-oriented activities can perform their tasks in the context of getting paid for them (Sethi et al., 2021). For example, these could be organizations that made vaccines during a pandemic to sell them. Thus, in a commercial environment, a culture of social impact also has specific effects and can improve productivity.


In conclusion, we can say that organizational culture is an integral aspect of any organizational activity, as it is what helps companies achieve their goals. This is due to the fact that employees are arguing about why they should perform their duties. Thus, in a culture of social impact, decision-making can be based on doing the most significant possible benefit to society. This can reflect on employees by bringing them job satisfaction.


Gill, S. (2009). Developing a learning culture in nonprofit organizations. SAGE.

Sethi, B., Vito, R., & Ongbanouekeni, V. (2021). Organizational culture, diversity, and employees’ health in Social/Human Services: a systematic review. International Health Trends and Perspectives, 1(1), 74-95. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "The Role of Organizational Culture in Social Impact in Business and Non-Profit Settings." January 28, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "The Role of Organizational Culture in Social Impact in Business and Non-Profit Settings." January 28, 2025.

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